
Rust implementation of ASIC resistance proof-of-work

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


mining hash function when gpu is the only asic

done as part of 6th hackathon http://blockchainua-hackathon.com/

How to launch

Assembled for ubuntu but will also work with any other distribution after npm i and probably even on windows (visual studio needed for compile)

  • git clone https://github.com/hu2prod/renderhash2d
  • cd renderhash2d
  • install nvm
    • curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
    • relogin or source ~/.bash_profile
  • install node 11
    • nvm i 11
  • install iced-coffee-script globally
    • npm i -g iced-coffee-script
  • launch base.coffee
    • ./base.coffee

How to launch gpu code

  • ./base.coffee --fn=gpu

How to launch renderhash_2d_hard

How to launch renderhash_2d_hard_unpack

unpack is only optimized version when you don't need decode png to texture atlas

  • Make sure that you have enough free space, because unpacked images are 1.5 times larger than original one's
  • mkdir tex_hard_unpack
  • ./tex_hard_unpack.coffee
  • wait
  • ./base.coffee --fn=gpu_hard_unpack

How to launch renderhash_2d_hard_plus or renderhash_2d_hard_plus_unpack

  • ./base.coffee --plus --fn=gpu_hard
  • ./base.coffee --plus --fn=gpu_hard_unpack


gpu code doesn't work


Error! Fail to load fglrx kernel module! Maybe you can switch to root user to load kernel module directly
Segmentation fault
  • make sure that at least any other open source gpu miner works. (Claymore is not open source)
  • probably binaries are bad for your system. Make npm i to make sure that binaries using exactly your env
  • clinfo should list your openCL compatible GPU
  • write me (fb virdvird), I'll try to investigate. (еще не зажрался)