Webpack scaffolding, hot-dev-server, build.
Do not need to understand webpack, only need to know how to configure it to use, get rid of cumbersome duplication of webpack configuration.
- Global installation, all development projects are supported, do not need to install and configure each project webpack.
- Support
- Support Hot Module Replacement
- Support Http Proxy
- Default support
, supportreact
- Support the global less parameter definition
- Build UMD mode code
- Only need to configure
configuration file
npm install -g hey-cli
# new version npm
sudo npm install -g hey-cli --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
Add the hey.conf.js configuration file in the project root directory.
module.exports = {
"port": 9002, //Port
"dist": 'dist', //the root of the build file
"clean": true, //clean dist folder before build
"timestamp": false, //the static folder generated by build with the static[timestamp] named folder
"react": true, //support react project
"openBrowser": true, // open browser auto
"stat": true, // Whether to generate stat.json
"webpack": { //webpack related configuration
"console": false, //package compression whether to retain the console, the default is false
"publicPath": "/", //public path
"compress": true / false, // default value depends on build or dev, or you can set compress js when build.
"output": {
// Output what documents, mainly html,
// Default setting will load the same js file as the html file name for the entrance.
// Support for defining common packages.
"./*.html": {
// Load js file by default, and html automatically references.
//If not configured, the same js file as the html file name is automatically
//define resolve, https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/
"alias": {
components: './src/components/',
// You can use import index from 'components/index' => src/components/index
//define global, https://webpack.js.org/plugins/provide-plugin
"global": {
"Vue": "vue",
"$": "jquery",
"log": "./js/common/log",
// use export default
Utils: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/js/common/utils'), 'default'],
//define proxy, https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver-proxy
"devServer": {
"proxy": {
"/api": {
"target": "http://yoda:9000"
historyApiFallback: true
//define externals, https://webpack.js.org/configuration/externals/
//Define the global less parameter definition, you can use the globalVars parameter in any less
globalVars: './static/css/var.less',
// The files that are not referenced are copied to the packaged folder when build
"copy": [
You can expand and configure the following properties in the webpack configuration item in hey.conf.js:
- plugins
- module
- node
- externals
- devServer
Specific use, please refer to webpack document.
"hey": {
"port": 9008,
"timestamp": true,
"dist": "gen",
"webpack": {
"publicPath": "/",
"output": {
"./*.html": {
"global": {
"Vue": "vue"
"devServer": {
"hey": {
"port": 9008,
"timestamp": true,
"dist": "gen",
"webpack": {
"publicPath": "/",
"output": {
"./*.html": {
"global": {
"Vue": "vue"
"devServer": {
"externals": {
"Vue": "window.Vue",
"VueRouter": "window.VueRouter"
Mainly used to build some of the common code, simple configuration can be used.
Because it is a public package packaged into UMD mode, do not use the import mode.
module.exports = {
dist: "build",
webpack: {
umd: {
entry: "./src/index.js",
library: "Validator",
filename: 'validator.js', //build generation /build/validator.js
libraryExport: 'default'
externals: {
"manba": "manba" //The dependent package will not be packaged into the source code
Start webpack server
hey dev
hey build
# use custom config file build project
hey build -f index.esm.js
You can generate analyze.
hey dev -r
# or
hey dev --report
# after hey build
hey report
# or
hey report -p port -f dist/stat.json
//Identification is a development environment, or a production environment
const debug = process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development'; //production
Generate project using template.
hey init <project-name>
# hey init test
The current template
- Simple: Base ES6 project
- HeyUI: HeyUI project
- Vue: Base Vue project
- React: Base React project
- ElementUI: Element project
- iViewUI: iViewUI project
For specific projects, please refer to hey-cli-template。