Exposition Calendar

The web project was done for Java learning courses

  1. Description

There is a list of Expositions located in Expo Halls. Visitor chooses topic, buys Tickets and makes a Payment.

  1. Software requirements
  • jdk 1.8.0_171
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.8
  • MySQL Server 8.0.11
  • Apache Maven 3.5.4
  1. Installation

Download project from Github repository. Start MySQL server (both login and password are "root"). Execute createdb.sql to create database tables. In command line run mvn clean install. Copy expocalendar.war from target folder and paste it to the /TOMCAT/webapps folder.

  1. Launch

Run Tomcat server using script /TOMCAT/bin/startup.bat .The deployed project will be available on http://localhost:8080/expocalendar/.

To register as administrator use adminKey "11" (change it in config file).