
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Create a solution using the tech stack you want.

The exercice consist on 3 iterations over the same problem, you would need to create 3 diferent version to show incremental changes on them.

Valuable things:



Code clarity.

Exercice version 1

Create a class (or function) that returns the elevator current floor after sending a simple string input like "+-+-", the initial floor will be always 0.

Some test cases:

"++" -> 2

"--" -> -2

"-+-+-+" -> 0

Exercice version 2

Same as before but the elevator can't never go to a basement level (negative floor), so every time the user inputs - and the elevator is at base floor (0) the input is ignored.

Some test cases:

"+----+" -> 1

"+--" -> 0

Exercice version 3

Same as before but the input will be always prefixed by a number "2+2-" this numbers acts as a multiplier for the action, so the action will be executed X times, this needs to respect the previous rules from part 2.

Some test cases:

"2-" -> 0

"1+2-1+" -> 1

"3+2+2-" -> 3