
Accept point of sale payments with payleven's card reader in your Android app.

Primary LanguageJava

payleven Point Pay SDK for Android

Licence Platform API Version Berlin

This project enables an Android API to communicate with the payleven Classic (Chip & PIN) and Plus (NFC) card reader to accept debit and credit card payments. Learn more about the card readers on one of payleven's country websites. From version 1.1.0 onwards, the payleven Point Pay SDK provides an API to process full and partial refunds. Additionally, the SDK issues a receipt image of both sale and refund payments that contain the bare minimum of receipt details. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact developer@payleven.com.


The product has been renamed to payleven Point Pay SDK from mPOS SDK. Any references within the documentation or classes are relevant to payleven Point Pay SDK.


  1. Register on one of payleven's country websites to get a merchant account and a card reader.
  2. Request an API key by registering for the Point Pay SDK on the payleven developer page.
  3. System requirements: Android API 14 or later for both Point Pay SDK and the Point Pay Sample App.
  4. A payleven card reader, Classic or Plus.

Table of Contents



Include payleven repository to the list of build repositories in Gradle or Maven, depending on the build environment you work with.


In the module's gradle.build file:

repositories {
        url 'https://download.payleven.de/maven'


Include the following dependencies from payleven repository in Gradle or Maven depending on the build environment you work with.


In the module's gradle.build file, inside the dependencies section:

//Use the specific library version here
compile 'de.payleven.payment:mpos:1.2.1@jar'
//These are helper payleven libraries.
compile 'de.payleven:psp-library:1.2.0@aar'
compile 'de.payleven:psp-library-core:1.2.0'

In the project pom.xml file:



Include GSON library for object serialization/deserialization handling.


In the module's gradle.build file, inside the dependencies section:

compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.4'

In the project pom.xml file:



Include OkHttp library as the http client used by the SDK.


In the module's gradle.build file, inside the dependencies section:

compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.7.5'

In the project pom.xml file:


Eclipse integration

Though we strongly recommend using Gradle and Android Studio, we also provided the sample for Eclipse users. Before importing sample_eclipse project into Eclipse you must perform the following steps:

  1. Download latest GSON library from http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.code.gson/gson and copy it into sample_eclipse/sample/libs folder.
  2. Download latest payleven Point Pay SDK from https://download.payleven.de/maven/de/payleven/payment/mpos and copy it into sample_eclipse/sample/libs folder.
  3. Download Payleven PSP library from https://download.payleven.de/maven/de/payleven/psp-library-core and copy it into sample_eclipse/psp-library/libs folder


Add the following permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml file to be able to pay with payleven's card reader:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />


Also the following services and receivers must be added to the same AndroidManifest.xml file:

<service android:name="de.payleven.payment.PaylevenCommunicationService"

<!-- Required for bluetooth communication with the terminal -->
<receiver android:name="com.adyen.adyenpos.receiver.BluetoothState">
        <action android:name="android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED"/>
        <action android:name="android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID"/>

<!-- Required for bluetooth communication with the terminal -->
<service android:name="com.adyen.adyenpos.service.TerminalConnectIntentService" />

Getting started


To fetch connected devices, start or refund a payment you must be logged into payleven SDK. Use the API key received from payleven, together with your payleven merchant account (email address & password) to authenticate your app and get an instance of Payleven object. Check out our Sample Integration to see how easily you can observe the Login state.

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
 private Payleven mPaylevenApi;
 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
             new PaylevenRegistrationListener() {
                 public void onRegistered(Payleven payleven) {
                     mPaylevenApi = payleven;
                 public void onError(PaylevenError error) {
                     //Process the error

Bluetooth pairing

Before proceeding with the integration and testing, make sure you have paired the card reader in the bluetooth settings on your Android device.

  1. Make sure the device is charged and turned on.
  2. Press '0' key on the card reader for 5 seconds and check that the card reader has entered the pairing mode (there will be a corresponding sign on the screen).
  3. Go to the bluetooth settings of your Android device and turn on the 'device scanning' mode.
  4. Select the "discovered" payleven card reader and follow the instructions on both devices to finish the pairing process.

Select a device

Once Payleven instance is created you need to select the card reader to process payments:

List<PairedDevice> devices = mPaylevenApi.getPairedDevices()
//Display the list of devices
//Get the selected device from the list
PairedDevice paireDevice = devices.get(selectedIndex);

Prepare device for payment

After a device is selected it needs to be prepared to accept payments. We will run all required preparations and security checks for you. All you have to do is outlined below. Before triggering a new payment you should always get the prepared device from the successful callback "onDone".

private void prepareDevice(PairedDevice pairedDevice) {
    mPaylevenApi.prepareDevice(pairedDevice, new DevicePreparationListener() {
                public void onDone(Device preparedDevice) {
                            new BigDecimal("1.0"),

                public void onError(PaylevenError error) {
                    //Show error message


Start payment

Initialize the actual payment request. For security purposes you must provide the user's current location in the PaymentRequest. The identifier parameter allows you to reference this particular payment for a potential refund in the future. We strongly advise you to save this value in your Backend.

private PaymentRequest startPayment(BigDecimal paymentAmount, Currency paymentCurrency,
                                    double lattitude, double longitude) {
    //Generated unique payment identifier
    String generatedPaymentIdentifier = "unique_payment_identifier";
    //Current location of the device
    GeoLocation paymentLocation = new GeoLocation(lattitude, longitude);
    return new PaymentRequest(paymentAmount, paymentCurrency, generatedPaymentIdentifier,

Handle payment

From v1.2.0 a new callback onPaymentProgressStateChanged is provided. This callback sends different payment progress states during a payment. The payment progress state may also be obtained from the PaymentTask instance. E.g. paymentTask.getPaymentProgressState().

private void handlePayment(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, Device device) {
    PaymentTask paymentTask = mPaylevenApi.createPaymentTask(paymentRequest, device);
    paymentTask.startAsync(new PaymentListener() {
        public void onPaymentComplete(PaymentResult paymentResult) {
            //Handle payment result
        public void onPaymentProgressStateChanged(PaymentProgressState paymentProgressState) {
            //Optional: handle payment progress state

        public void onSignatureRequested(SignatureResponseHandler signatureHandler) {
                //Provide signature image to SignatureResponseHandler
                //This method is called when a card requires 
                //signature verification instead of a pin

        public void onError(PaylevenError error) {
            //Show error message

Optionally, you can offer a more comprehensive user experience by reading the following payment progress states.

public void onPaymentProgressStateChanged(PaymentProgressState paymentProgressState) {
    String paymentState = null;
    switch (paymentProgressState) {
          case STARTED:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.payment_started);
          case REQUEST_PRESENT_CARD:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.present_card);
          case REQUEST_INSERT_CARD:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.insert_card);
          case CARD_INSERTED:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.card_inserted);
          case REQUEST_ENTER_PIN:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.enter_pin);
          case PIN_ENTERED:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.pin_entered);
          case CONTACTLESS_BEEP_OK:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.beep_ok);
              paymentState = getString(R.string.beep_failed);
          case REQUEST_SWIPE_CARD:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.swipe_card);
          case NONE:
              paymentState = getString(R.string.none);


A successful tap of the card to be charged for a contactless (NFC) transaction is indicated by all four (green) LEDs lighting up on the payleven plus reader and a confirmation on the card reader display is followed by a short beep of your mobile device. Please ensure the volume of the mobile device is turned-on for audio confirmation.


You can refund a payment conducted via the Point Pay SDK partially or in full.

Start refund

Initialize the refund payment request and create a refund task. For a refund you need:

  • paymentIdentifier: String to specify the original sale payment's Identifier that is supposed to be refunded. In the Start payment section, it is called "generatedPaymentIdentifier".
  • generatedRefundIdentifier: String to uniquely specify the refund.
  • refundAmount: Decimal number indicating the amount to be refunded, which cannot be higher than the original payment's amount.
  • refundCurrency: 3 letter ISO character (e.g. EUR) that is identical with the original sale payment's currency.
private RefundRequest startRefund(String paymentIdentifier, BigDecimal refundAmount,
                                  Currency refundCurrency, String refundDescription) {
    //Generated unique refund identifier
    String generatedRefundIdentifier = "unique_refund_identifier"
    return new RefundRequest(generatedRefundIdentifier, paymentIdentifier, refundAmount,
                             refundCurrency, refundDescription);

Handle refund

Once the refund request is initialized, trigger the refund as outlined below.

private void handleRefund(RefundRequest refundRequest) {
    RefundTask refundTask = mPaylevenApi.createRefundTask(refundRequest);
    refundTask.startAsync(new RefundListener() {
        public void onError(PaylevenError error) {
            //Show error message

        public void onRefundComplete(RefundResult refundResult) {
            //Handle refund result


Additionally, the SDK issues a receipt image of sale and refund payments that contains the bare minimum of receipt details. Please keep in mind to extend the image with the merchants name, address and a respective receipt ID. In case you wish to create your own receipt by using a set of raw payment data, please contact developer@payleven.com.

private Bitmap generateReceipt(PaymentResult paymentResult, int width, int textSize,		
                              int lineSpacing) {		
   //Create a configuration for the receipt image.		
   ReceiptConfig receiptConfig = new ReceiptConfig.Builder(width, textSize)		
   //Generate the receipt with ReceiptGenerator and the previous configuration.		
   ReceiptGenerator generator = paymentResult.getReceiptGenerator();		
   return generator.generateReceipt(receiptConfig);		

Point Pay SDK Sample App

The Point Pay SDK includes a sample app illustrating how the SDK can be integrated.


  • The location is hardcoded and needs to be changed according to user's current position.
  • The Package name of the sample app has been registered already and is uniquely associated to the API key used in the project. In case you change the API key to the one you have obtained from payleven during the developer registration, please remember to change also the Package name to the one you have registered.

The sample integration exemplifies the following:

  • It allows to select a card reader, conduct card payments and refund them (full or partial amount).
  • A signature view that is required if the payment has to be verified with the customer's signature.
  • In alignment with the provided payment progress states (see above under "Payment"), optional and customizable UI/design elements are offered for integration to show the payment progress.
private void startPayment() {
        PaylevenTools.showDevicePreparation(getActivity(), mPaymentProgressStateView);

public void onPaymentProgressStateChanged(PaymentProgressState paymentProgressState) {


API Reference