Repository contains the code for the front-end part of the Todo application that was made using Vuejs and Symfony 4 for the back-end.
- adhiprs@matamerah
- adnan-sahin
- AlexLeonteTimisoara
- alxetd@northxsolutions
- arthurgregorioConsuSoft
- ashishnimrotAlten India Private Limited
- buchidiai
- clansoftsMalipo Popote Solutions LLC
- eddievk
- envisioncheng
- flopyeahFreelance
- frankxiao008Canada
- GaborAntalAttilaRomania
- Gerbi
- hakanpeksenİzmir
- hangxun
- IrinaKulikovaDnipro
- izshreyanshWebsiteX
- JuanCordovaLazo
- kbzonekbzone.web
- krittin-58@luma-care
- lakhbawaOntario, Canada
- mamadaliev@Netcracker
- mamudeOlist
- moulayecisse
- MrNivada
- peterchegeAICARE
- PeterShekiondoDevSoft
- randrieseFeature Branch
- Reh4m
- rodrigofrancisco@wizeline
- stefanpoensgenCologne, Germany
- sudoakBangalore
- taotao820
- thankikaushik
- wmacklinBaltimore, MD