Make use of the TomTom API to build an app that shows a list of venues around the user’s location.

Optionally, give the user a possibility to adjust the radius of interest.

Decide yourself which venue details should be relevant to the user.

You have full freedom on how to present data on screen.

Submit the code that you consider to be final.

We are going to check your implementation for understanding mobile platform specifics, correct UX choices, overall architecture design and code quality.

TomTom API —

In Adyen, we value quality over quantity. Try not to over-complicate your assignment, and aim for a straight-forward solution.

Possible improvements:

  • increase unit test coverage;
  • UI snapshot testing;
  • pagination in a search result, new request on a user action;
  • cache search result;
  • offline work;
  • Inheritance over the composition;
  • Interactor to fetch the POI data from API.