
YASDI is an implementation of the SMA Data Protocols, through which our inverters communicate with other SMA devices.

Primary LanguageC

YASDI SDK for SMA Inverters


This repository is mostly meant to be a mirror for the SDK sources provided by SMA found in the sdk directory of this repository to make things more convenient and definitely not actively developed by me.


Assuming you have the needed build tools like gcc, cmake, make, etc. installed:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../sdk/projects/generic-cmake
make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

Or refer to the build instructions provided by the authors of this SDK

Example YASDI configuration file





Create a file yasdi.ini in the build directory (where yasdishell is) with the contents from the example

This configuration file assumes

  • RS485: you used cabling topology (daisy chained inverters) for the RS485 protocol
  • /dev/ttyUSB0: YASDI communicates with your inverters via this serial to usb converter

When yasdishell is started it tries to load the shared libraries libyasdi* files from the system directories. This will not work unless you installed YASDi using make install.

If you didn't make install YASDI and want yasdishell to use the libyasdi* library from the build directory you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH:

# assuming you are in the build directory:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)

If sma.ini and yasdishell are in the same directory run using ./yasdishell

If sma.ini is in a different place run using ./yasdishell /path/to/sma.ini

Building the container image

From the root of the repository:

podman build -t yasdi -f container/alpine.Containerfile .

(If you you docker, replace 'podman' with 'docker')

Running the container image

Create a configuration file /yasdi/yasdi.ini on the host adapting the example to your needs

Run the container image mounting the configuration file's directory

podman run --rm -it --name yasdi -v /yasdi/yasdi.ini:/yasdi/yasdi.ini:rw yasdi yasdishell

Using images built and published by githubs CI/CD

Install from the command line:

podman pull ghcr.io/konstantinblaesi/yasdi:latest

(replace 'podman' with 'docker' when using docker)

Use as base image in Dockerfile: FROM ghcr.io/konstantinblaesi/yasdi:latest

See the github container registry for all the available tags

Common issues

Some error messages produced by the YASDI SDK when running yasdishell are confusing because they do not necessarily identify the root cause.

Error message

ERROR: YASDI ini file was not found or is unreadable!

Possible Causes:

  • YASDI ini file unavailable (missing, permission issues)
  • The YASDI SDK failed to initialize because libyasdi* library files could not be loaded