This app is powered by:
🚀 Replicate, a platform for running machine learning models in the cloud.
✂ HairCLIP, an open-source machine learning model that generates images of hairstyles by text and a reference image.
▲ Vercel, a platform for running web apps.
⚡️ Nuxt.js server-side API handlers, for talking to the Replicate API.
📦 Vuetify, a Vue.js component framework for the browser UI.
You need a Replicate API token. Copy the contents of .example.env into a new file in the root of your directory called .env
and insert the API key there, like this:
# Get your Replicate API token at
NUXT_REPLICATE_API_TOKEN=<put your token here>
Then, install the dependencies and run the local development server:
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your web browser. Done!
Deploy this project using Vercel: