You can visit the blog post here.
Build the docker image:
docker build --rm --tag=jboss/wildfly-admin .
then run:
docker network create mynet
Start keycloak container:
docker run --name authserver -d --net mynet -p 8080:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=secret jboss/keycloak:3.4.3.Final
- You will have to add authserver to point to in etc/hosts
Login to
and create portal realm, add a client with ID web and * to valid redirect uris.
Create role auth_user and assign two users with that role.
Start wildfly container:
docker run --name wildfly -d --net mynet -p 8090:8080 -p 9990:9990 jboss/wildfly-admin
To see logs:
docker logs -f wildfly
To run the web application:
mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
Browse to
Open two browsers and log in with different users. Application events are pushed to all clients, but user events target only the logged in user.
- Keycloak uses as user id the ID auto-generated when creating a user in keycloak admin interface.