
Debian Docker base image

Primary LanguageShell

Debian and Ubuntu base image generator

If you’re not using Docker, run sudo sh buildeb.sh to generate a Debian or Ubuntu base image on a Debian or Ubuntu host.
It will use debootstrap, create a tar-file, generate the Dockerfile and add a SHA256 checksum of the created tar-file to a ENV in the Dockerfile.
buildeb.sh will also add .git and any previously generated tar-files to .dockerignore.

Build and verify

sudo sh buildeb.sh <release> <mirror> <directory>

For example:

$ sudo sh buildeb.sh buster http://deb.debian.org/debian "$(pwd)/buildarea"
$ docker build -t konstruktoid/debian -f Dockerfile.buster .
$ docker run -t -i konstruktoid/debian cat /etc/debian_version

Using Docker

docker build --no-cache -t konstruktoid/debianbuild -f Dockerfile .
docker run --privileged -v "$(pwd)":/opt/buildarea konstruktoid/debianbuild buster http://deb.debian.org/debian


docker run --privileged -v "$(pwd)":/opt/buildarea konstruktoid/debianbuild buster http://deb.debian.org/debian