Attitude is the little thing that makes the difference.| When I turn my hobby into my work, You can't call work, it's called passion.
Barcelona / Spain
kontroldev's Following
- aivarsLatvia
- algoritmauLuoda Studio
- appleCupertino, CA
- applecodingacademyAC Academy SL
- AsociacionFactoriaF5Spain
- AvdLee@WeTransfer
- carlosazaustre@PintaAPIs
- chesterlp40
- cromanalcaidevBarcelona
- exercism
- FelixRodriguezGSpain
- freeCodeCampUnited States of America
- githubSan Francisco, CA
- gittogethersUnited States of America
- iDevSwiftSpain
- joanbyFrogames Formación SL
- juanppdevMundoCode
- KasperskyLab
- lordzzz777
- louisagareissNostalgia
- midudevBarcelona
- mohamed-tayehToronto, Canada
- MoralAlbertoWallapop
- nicklockwoodCharcoal Design
- platzi
- PlatziDev127.0.0.1
- polpielladevGlovo
- projects-assignments
- rcellasBarcelona,España
- Roswell468Argentina
- shahmishal@apple
- StewartLynchCreaTECH Solutions
- swiftlangWorldwide
- twostrawsHacking with Swift
- xavidop@voiceflow
- yeikobuChile