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UDPipe Parser

This parser takes a sentence, does syntax analysis using udpipe model and returns a structure that is easy-to-use in common NLP/NLU tasks.


import udpipe_parser
P = udpipe_parser.UDPipeParser()
exps = P.run("Я хочу материальную помощь! Как её получить?",solve_anaphora=True,logging=False)
for exp in exps:

subj : я, 
pred : хотеть, 
obj : помощь материальный, 
params :  

subj : 
pred : получить, 
obj : помощь материальный, 
params : как,

[{'pos': 'NOUN', 'polarity': 'affirmative', 'case': 'Acc', 'numb': 'Sing', 'form': 'помощь материальный', 'prep': None, 'dets': []}]


To evaluate accuracy of the parser a dataset was collected from questions and annotated in terms of predicates, subjects, objects, parameters. Examples:




Expression is a class for presenting a result of analysis. It contains four items each of them has attributes.

class Expression:
  def __init__(self,subj=[],pred=[],obj=[],parameters=[]):
    self.subj = [] # SUBJECT
    self.pred = [] # PREDICATE
    self.obj = [] # OBJECT
    self.params = [] # PARAMETERS

PREDICATE expresses action or property of the subject

SUBJECT - the person or thing performing the action expressed by predicate

OBJECT - the person or thing that receives the action expressed by predicate

PARAMETERS - specifications of predicates (e.g. быстро, в спешке, не выходя из дома)

Each item can have some of these attributes:


'pos' : Part of speech

'polarity': Affirmative/Negative

'numb': Number

'case': Case

'tense': Tense

'voice': Active/Passive

'aspect': Imperfective/perfective

'form': word form

'prep': Preposition with it

'dets': Determiner

'modality' : Modal Verb


Instance of this class perfomes analysis of text data. It takes a text, makes preprocessing, builds conllu-trees, solves anaphora (if needed) and parses trees. The result is a list of Expression instances which represent trees/subtrees. Analyzer class can take dict as a parameter, it is a words or expressions that should be treated as proper names (hence, they can be subjects or objects). In order to provide more stable perfomance it is advisable to fill this list with out-of-dictionary words, such as acronyms, jargon words, slang etc.

my_propn_nouns = ["рувд","мгу","ростех","роснефть","вычи"]
P = udpipe_parser.UDPipe_Parser(propn_nouns=my_propn_nouns)

Also, one can use abbreviations dictionary to convert abbreviations into normal word forms

abbrev_dict = {'абс.' : 'абсолютный', 'град.':'градус'}
P = udpipe_parser.UDPipe_Parser(abbrev_dict=abbrev_dict)
exps = P.run('какое абс. значение в град. Цельсия?')

subj : значение абсолютный в градус цельсий, 
pred : быть, 
obj : 
params :

Solving Anaphora

The parser can try to solve anaphora optionally:

>>> P = udpipe_parser.UDPipe_Parser()
>>> exps = P.run('Я заказывал кредитку. Где я могу её забрать?',solve_anaphora=True)
>>> for exp in exps:

subj : я, 
pred : заказывать, 
obj : кредитка, 
params : 

subj : я, 
pred : забрать, 
obj : кредитка, 
params : где, 


To keep track of perfomance process use a flag 'logging':

P = udpipe_parser.UDPipe_Parser()
exps = P.run('Между духом и материей посредничает математика.',logging=True)

sent: Между духом и материей посредничает математика .
child of  посредничает : духом {'id': 2, 'form': 'духом', 'lemma': 'дух', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': None, 'feats': {'Animacy': 'Inan', 'Case': 'Ins', 'Gender': 'Masc', 'Number': 'Sing'}, 'head': 5, 'deprel': 'obl', 'deps': None, 'misc': None}
child of  посредничает : математика {'id': 6, 'form': 'математика', 'lemma': 'математика', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': None, 'feats': {'Animacy': 'Inan', 'Case': 'Nom', 'Gender': 'Fem', 'Number': 'Sing'}, 'head': 5, 'deprel': 'nsubj', 'deps': None, 'misc': None}
child of  посредничает : . {'id': 7, 'form': '.', 'lemma': '.', 'upos': 'PUNCT', 'xpos': None, 'feats': None, 'head': 5, 'deprel': 'punct', 'deps': None, 'misc': {'SpaceAfter': 'No'}}
[UDPipe Parser] elapsed time: 0.4530816078186035

subj : математика, 
pred : посредничать, 
obj : 
params : между дух, материя,