File Manager


File Manager supports all basic file operations. Main window contains two panes in order to copy and move selected items between them. Advanced operations are available via text fields above panes.

Main window

main_window Main window contains two panes with corresponding text fields. Every text field shows current path and can be used to enter advanced quick commands.

File operations

  • Create new directory

  • Create new file

  • Rename selected item

  • Delete selected items

  • Copy selected items to directory on other pane

  • Move selected items to directory on other pane


Advanced operations

Advanced commands are entered to text fields and are applied to corresponding pane. < command> ::= < keyword> < argument>
< argument> ::= < regex> | < word to find>
For example, command copy .*mus.* copies all files that contains mus.



Select all elements that matches regex or contains entered word . After selection it is possible to perform other actions.


Apply SELECT with moving.


Apply SELECT with copying.


Apply SELECT with deletion.


Apply SELECT with opening all selected items with associated programs.

HTML editor

To open HTML files with build-in editor just press F3 with selected file.


Words count

To count words in selected .txt file, just press button Count words. New txt file file counted words will appear in the same directory.


Observing directory changes

Background thread is used to watch active directories changes. Java Path API is used to do so in effective way instead of just pulling directory for changes every time interval.


F3 - open with HTML editor
F5 - copy
F6 - move
Delete - delete
CTRL + N - new file
CTRL + SHIFT + N - new directory
SHIFT + D - focus corresponding text field

© 2016, Vitaliy Kononenko, K-24