

A spreadsheet is an interactive table for storing, analyzing and processing data. A cell can contain numbers, operators, braces and references to other cells. A spreadsheet dynamically evaluates value in each cell.

Main window

main_window The main window contains editable grid, text field to display entered formula in focused cell and button to toggle Formulas mode.

Supported operations

  • Addition '+'

  • Subtraction '-'

  • Multiplication '*'

  • Division '/'

  • Power '^'

  • Bitwise AND '&' and OR '|'

Reference format

A reference is a latin letter, followed by number from 1 to 99.

Long arithmetic

Long arithmetic is used to avoid integer overflow. long_arithmetic

Operators precedence

Operators precedence are respected. operator_precedence

Formulas Mode

When Formulas Mode is toggled, cells display originally typed formula instead of evaluated value. formula_mode

Text parsing

A Lexer is implemented in order to parse text. The Lexer uses regular expressions and named capturing groups to extract information from entered text.


  • Tarjan's algorithm to detect cycled references
  • Topological sorting to determine in what order evaluate cells
  • Shunting-yard algorithm to evaluate expression and respect precedence and braces
© 2016, Vitaliy Kononenko, K-24