Medical Computer Vision Preprocessing


  • dicom2pngjpeg.ipyng - This notebook converts dicom images to png/jpeg format and saves them into different folder. This notebook taked dicom files from one folder and convert them to jpeg/png/jpg format and saves them another folder.

  • fetchinfo2csv.ipynb - This notebook converts dicom images to png/jpeg format and saves them into different folder. This notebook taked dicom files from one folder and convert them to jpeg/png/jpg format and saves them another folder. It also saves information from dicom files to csv file.

  • - Filter out necessary rows out from one .csv file and saving the filtered out indices in it.

  • ReName_and_2JPEG.ipynb - This jupyter notebook contains code to convert images from .png, .jpg to .jpeg format and also to rename them in desired form. This is very handy when you want to preprocess your Image data before training your neural network.