PHP Aspect framework

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PHP Aspect framework(PAF)

Aspect oriented programming in PHP.

By default PHP doesn't allow to use Aspects without making wrappers to all methods, that must be intercepted. This approach is not always usable because need a lot of extra code and may cause a lot of problems if have to be implemented on existings systems.

This framework+module allows to use Aspect Oriented Programming without wrappers, but creating Aspects with interceptors to defined object/methods. Interception rules are defined in comments.

To allow method intercepting I made Intercept module that may be found in "intercept_extension" directory. This module is modification of "PHP Intercept"(I got it here: http://pecl.php.net/package/intercept) with added functionality.

For example, we have object:

class Book {
	public function sayHello() {
		echo 'Hello';

and we want to have interceptor that will insert "!" after each sayHello() call. Let's create new aspect with interceptor and define rule for intercepting Book->seyHello:

class BookAspect extends Aspect {
	 * This is our interceptor. In the next line we will define the rule when this method have to be called
	 * @After(Book->sayHello)
	public function finishTheSentence($params) {
		echo "!\n";

Now all we need to make them all together - register aspect and apply all inteceptors:

AspectRegistry::getInstance()->addAspect(new BookAspect);

Now after each time when we call Book->sayHello the BookAspect->finishTheSentence will be called.

Detailed information and examples are here: https://github.com/kooler/PAF/wiki