
The public code of 2nd solution (forward problem, private) of Bohrium AI4S Cup USCT.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The public code of 2nd solution (forward problem, private) of Bohrium AI4S Cup USCT.


  • PyTorch's Dataset & Dataloader
  • Manage hyper-parameters via Hydra
  • Implement Multi-GPU Training via PyTorch-Lightning
  • Adaptive BornFNO

Quick Start



  • RAM: > 32GB
  • GPU: 6 x NVIDIA GTX 4090


  • Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
  • python 3.10
  • pytorch 2.2.0: pip install torch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 torchaudio==2.2.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
  • Other packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Log of Best Solution

I have uploaded the log of the best solution in the ./best_log folder.

You can view the log of the best solution via tensorboard:

cd ./best_log
tensorboard --logdir=./

Code Testing

You can run the following command to test the code if it works well on your machine:

# ======
# prepare data
# only use the first 10 speed files
# ======
cd ./scripts
python restore_data.py --data_folder /data/Comp/Bohrium-AI4SCup-CT-2024/data/helmholtz --extend_name v1_10 --n_max 10
# ------------------------------------------------
# please manually move the `u_homo.npy` to `./data`
# ------------------------------------------------

# =====
# training
# only use 1 GPU (GPU ID = 0) and training for 1 epoch
# =====
cd ../
python training.py data_conf.v_speed=v1_10 data_conf.v_field=v1_10 data_conf.v_dataset=v2 loss_conf.loss_type=rrmse data_conf.batch_size=5 train_conf.only_first_fold=True train_conf.epochs=1 model_type=bfnov3 fno_conf.lifting_size=60 fno_conf.wavenumber=[100,100,100,100,100,100,100] data_conf.preprocess=fixed optim_conf.lr=6e-3 optim_conf.weight_decay=0 fno_conf.activation=gelu fno_conf.use_bn=True fno_conf.simplified_fourier=True

# =====
# inference
# =====
# ------------------------------------------------
# you can find the `fold_0.ckpt` file from `./outputs/XXXX-XX-XX/XX-XX-XX` folder, which is named with runtime timestamps
# copy this file to './outputs/models'
# ------------------------------------------------
python inference.py

Fully Training

Prepare Data

cd ./scripts
python restore_data.py --data_folder /data4/yzj/data/AI4S/helmholtz --extend_name v1_7200

Please replace the --data_folder with your own data folder. The pre-processed data will be saved in the ./data folder.

In addition, you should manually move the u_homo.npy to ./data folder.


To reproduce the solution, you can run the following command:

python training.py device=2+3+4+5+6+7 data_conf.v_speed=v1_7200 data_conf.v_field=v1_7200 data_conf.v_dataset=v2 loss_conf.loss_type=rrmse data_conf.batch_size=5 train_conf.only_first_fold=True train_conf.epochs=30 model_type=bfnov3 fno_conf.lifting_size=60 fno_conf.wavenumber=[100,100,100,100,100,100,100] data_conf.preprocess=fixed optim_conf.lr=6e-3 optim_conf.weight_decay=0 fno_conf.activation=gelu fno_conf.use_bn=True fno_conf.simplified_fourier=True

Please replace the device with your own GPU device ids, for example, device=0+1+2+3+4 for training on 5 GPUs (GPU ID = 0,1,2,3,4).

The solution costs about 2 days to train on 6 NVIDIA GTX 4090. Logging files and ckpt will be saved in the ./outputs folder.


To test inference and generate the submission.pt, you should move the fold_0.ckpt to ./outputs/models and run the following command:

python inference.py


This project is based on the Baseline code provided by Bohrium AI4S Cup USCT. I would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this competition. In addition, I would like to thank the laboratory for providing the necessary hardware resources for training.