
An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages

Primary LanguageRuby

Quine Relay

Build Status ❤️

What this is

This is a Ruby program that generates Rust program that generates Scala program that generates ...(through 128 languages in total)... REXX program that generates the original Ruby code again.

Language Uroboros

(If you want to see the old 50-language version, see 50 branch.)



If you are using Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine), you can perform the following steps.

1. Install all interpreters/compilers.

First, you have to type the following apt-get command to install all of them.

$ sudo apt-get install afnix algol68g aplus-fsf aspectc++ aspectj \
  asymptote ats2-lang bash bc bf bison bsdgames bsh clisp clojure cmake \
  cmake coffeescript dafny dc ecere-dev elixir emacs-nox erlang f2c fish \
  flex fp-compiler fsharp g++ gambas3-script gap gawk gcc gdb gdc \
  generator-scripting-language genius gforth gfortran ghc ghostscript \
  gnat gnu-smalltalk gnucobol gnuplot gobjc golang groff groovy \
  guile-2.0 gzip haxe icont iconx intercal iverilog jasmin-sable jq \
  julia ksh libgd-dev libpng-dev lisaac livescript llvm lua5.3 m4 make \
  maxima minizinc mlton mono-devel mono-mcs mono-vbnc nasm neko nickle \
  nim node-typescript nodejs ocaml octave openjdk-13-jdk pakcs pari-gp \
  parser3-cgi perl php-cli pike8.0 python r-base rakudo ratfor rc \
  regina-rexx ruby ruby-mustache rustc scala scilab-cli sed slsh spin \
  squirrel3 swi-prolog tcl tcsh valac vim xsltproc yabasic yorick zoem \

Then, build the bundled interpreters.

$ sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libgd-dev groff flex bison
$ make -C vendor

2. Run each program on each interpreter/compiler.

$ ulimit -s unlimited
$ ruby QR.rb > QR.rs
$ rustc QR.rs && ./QR > QR.scala
$ scalac QR.scala && scala QR > QR.scm
$ guile QR.scm > QR.sci
$ scilab-cli -nb -f QR.sci > QR.sed
$ sed -E -f QR.sed QR.sed > QR.spl
$ ./vendor/local/bin/spl2c < QR.spl > QR.spl.c && gcc -o QR -I ./vendor/local/include -L ./vendor/local/lib QR.spl.c -lspl -lm &&
  ./QR > QR.sl
$ slsh QR.sl > QR.st
$ gst QR.st > QR.nut
$ squirrel QR.nut > QR.sml
$ mlton @MLton fixed-heap 200M -- QR.sml && ./QR > QR.sq
$ ruby vendor/subleq.rb QR.sq > QR.tcl
$ tclsh QR.tcl > QR.tcsh
$ tcsh QR.tcsh > QR.t
$ ruby vendor/thue.rb QR.t > QR.ts
$ tsc --outFile QR.ts.js QR.ts && nodejs QR.ts.js > QR.unl
$ ruby vendor/unlambda.rb QR.unl > QR.vala
$ valac QR.vala && ./QR > QR.mid
$ mono vendor/local/bin/Vlt.exe /s QR.mid && mono QR.exe > QR.v
$ iverilog -o QR QR.v && ./QR -vcd-none > QR.vim
$ vim -EsS QR.vim > QR.vb
$ vbnc QR.vb && mono ./QR.exe > QR.ws
$ ruby vendor/whitespace.rb QR.ws > QR.xslt
$ xsltproc QR.xslt > QR.yab
$ yabasic QR.yab > QR.yorick
$ yorick -batch QR.yorick > QR.azm
$ zoem -i QR.azm > QR.zsh
$ zsh QR.zsh > QR.+
$ a+ QR.+ > qr.adb
$ gnatmake qr.adb && ./qr > QR.als
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/afnix axi QR.als > QR.aheui
$ go run vendor/goaheui/main.go QR.aheui > QR.a68
$ a68g QR.a68 > QR.ante
$ ruby vendor/ante.rb QR.ante > QR.cc
$ ag++ -std=c++11 -o QR QR.cc && ./QR > QR.aj
$ JAVACMD=/usr/lib/jvm/java-13-openjdk-amd64/bin/java ajc QR.aj &&
  java QR > QR.asy
$ asy QR.asy > QR.dats
$ patscc -o QR QR.dats && ./QR > QR.awk
$ awk -f QR.awk > QR.bash
$ bash QR.bash > QR.bc
$ BC_LINE_LENGTH=4000000 bc -q QR.bc > QR.bsh
$ bsh QR.bsh > QR.bef
$ cfunge QR.bef > QR.Blc
$ ruby vendor/blc.rb < QR.Blc > QR.bf
$ bf -c500000 QR.bf > QR.c
$ gcc -o QR QR.c && ./QR > QR.cpp
$ g++ -o QR QR.cpp && ./QR > QR.cs
$ mcs QR.cs && mono QR.exe > QR.chef
$ PERL5LIB=vendor/local/lib/perl5 compilechef QR.chef QR.chef.pl &&
  perl QR.chef.pl > QR.clj
$ clojure QR.clj > QR.cmake
$ cmake -P QR.cmake > QR.cob
$ cobc -O2 -x QR.cob && ./QR > QR.coffee
$ coffee --nodejs --stack_size=100000 QR.coffee > QR.lisp
$ clisp QR.lisp > QR.curry
$ pakcs --nocypm :load QR.curry :save :quit && ./QR > QR.d
$ gdc -o QR QR.d && ./QR > QR.dfy
$ dafny QR.dfy && mono QR.exe > QR.dc
$ dc QR.dc > QR.ec || true
$ ecp -c QR.ec -o QR.sym && ecc -c QR.ec -o QR.c && ecs -console QR.sym QR.imp -o QR.main.ec &&
  ecp -c QR.main.ec -o QR.main.sym && ecc -c QR.main.ec -o QR.main.c &&
  gcc -o QR QR.c QR.main.c -lecereCOM && ./QR > QR.exs
$ elixir QR.exs > QR.el
$ emacs -Q --script QR.el > QR.erl
$ escript QR.erl > QR.fsx
$ fsharpc QR.fsx -o QR.exe && mono QR.exe > QR.false
$ ruby vendor/false.rb QR.false > QR.fl
$ flex -o QR.fl.c QR.fl && gcc -o QR QR.fl.c && ./QR > QR.fish
$ fish QR.fish > QR.fs
$ gforth QR.fs > QR.f
$ gfortran -o QR QR.f && ./QR > QR.f90
$ gfortran -o QR QR.f90 && ./QR > QR.gbs
$ gbs3 QR.gbs > QR.g
$ gap -q QR.g > QR.gdb
$ gdb -q -x QR.gdb > QR.gel
$ genius QR.gel > QR.gsl
$ gsl -q QR.gsl > QR.plt
$ gnuplot QR.plt > QR.go
$ go run QR.go > QR.gs
$ ruby vendor/golfscript.rb QR.gs > QR.grass
$ ruby vendor/grass.rb QR.grass > QR.groovy
$ groovy QR.groovy > QR.gz
$ gzip -cd QR.gz > QR.hs
$ ghc QR.hs && ./QR > QR.hx
$ haxe -main QR -neko QR.n && neko QR.n > QR.icn
$ icont -s QR.icn && ./QR > QR.i
$ ick -bfOc QR.i && gcc -static QR.c -I /usr/include/ick-* -o QR -lick &&
  ./QR > QR.j
$ jasmin QR.j && java QR > QR.java
$ javac QR.java && java QR > QR.js
$ nodejs QR.js > QR.jq
$ jq -r -n -f QR.jq > QR.jsfuck
$ nodejs --stack_size=100000 QR.jsfuck > QR.jl
$ julia QR.jl > QR.ksh
$ ksh QR.ksh > QR.lazy
$ lazyk QR.lazy > qr.li
$ lisaac qr.li && ./qr > QR.ls
$ lsc QR.ls > QR.ll
$ llvm-as QR.ll && lli QR.bc > QR.lol
$ lci QR.lol > QR.lua
$ lua5.3 QR.lua > QR.m4
$ m4 QR.m4 > QR.mk
$ make -f QR.mk > QR.mac
$ maxima -q --init-mac=QR.mac > QR.mzn
$ mzn2fzn QR.mzn && fzn-gecode QR.fzn | solns2out --soln-sep '' QR.ozn > QR.il
$ ilasm QR.il && mono QR.exe > QR.mustache
$ mustache QR.mustache QR.mustache > QR.asm
$ nasm -felf QR.asm && ld -m elf_i386 -o QR QR.o && ./QR > QR.neko
$ nekoc QR.neko && neko QR.n > QR.5c
$ nickle QR.5c > QR.nim
$ nim c QR.nim && ./QR > QR.m
$ gcc -o QR QR.m && ./QR > QR.ml
$ ocaml QR.ml > QR.octave
$ mv QR.m QR.m.bak && octave -qf QR.octave > QR.ook && mv QR.m.bak QR.m
$ ruby vendor/ook-to-bf.rb QR.ook QR.ook.bf && bf -c500000 QR.ook.bf > QR.gp
$ gp -f -q QR.gp > QR.p
$ parser3 QR.p > QR.pas
$ fpc QR.pas && ./QR > QR.pl
$ perl QR.pl > QR.pl6
$ perl6 QR.pl6 > QR.php
$ php QR.php > QR.png
$ npiet QR.png > QR.pike
$ pike QR.pike > QR.ps
$ gs -dNODISPLAY -q QR.ps > QR.ppt
$ ppt -d < QR.ppt > QR.prolog
$ swipl -q -t qr -f QR.prolog > QR.pr
$ spin -T QR.pr > QR.py
$ python QR.py > QR.R
$ R --slave -f QR.R > QR.ratfor
$ ratfor -o QR.ratfor.f QR.ratfor && gfortran -o QR QR.ratfor.f &&
  ./QR > QR.rc
$ rc QR.rc > QR.rexx
$ rexx ./QR.rexx > QR2.rb

You will see that QR.rb is the same as QR2.rb.

$ diff QR.rb QR2.rb

Alternatively, just type make.

$ make

Note: It may require huge memory to compile some files.

Other platforms

You may find instructions for other platforms in the wiki.

If you are not using these Linux distributions, please find your way yourself. If you could do it, please let me know. Good luck.

Tested interpreter/compiler versions

I used the following Ubuntu deb packages to test this program.

# language ubuntu package version
1 Ruby ruby 1:2.5.1
2 Rust rustc 1.37.0+dfsg1+llvm-1ubuntu1
3 Scala scala 2.11.12-4
4 Scheme guile-2.0 2.0.13+1-5.3ubuntu1
5 Scilab scilab-cli 6.0.2-0ubuntu2
6 sed sed 4.7-1
7 Shakespeare N/A -
8 S-Lang slsh 2.3.2-4
9 Smalltalk gnu-smalltalk 3.2.5-1.3build1
10 Squirrel squirrel3 3.1-8
11 Standard ML mlton 20130715-3
12 Subleq N/A -
13 Tcl tcl 8.6.9+1
14 tcsh tcsh 6.21.00-1
15 Thue N/A -
16 TypeScript node-typescript 3.6.3-1
17 Unlambda N/A -
18 Vala valac 0.44.9-0ubuntu1
19 Velato N/A -
20 Verilog iverilog 10.3-1
21 Vimscript vim 2:8.1.0875-5ubuntu2
22 Visual Basic mono-vbnc 4.0.1-3
23 Whitespace N/A -
24 XSLT xsltproc 1.1.33-0ubuntu1.1
25 Yabasic yabasic 1:2.84.2-1
26 Yorick yorick 2.2.04+dfsg1-10
27 Zoem zoem 11-166-1.2
28 zsh zsh 5.7.1-1ubuntu2
29 A+ aplus-fsf 4.22.1-10
30 Ada gnat 8.0.1ubuntu1
31 AFNIX afnix 2.8.1-2
32 Aheui N/A -
33 ALGOL 68 algol68g 2.8.4-1
34 Ante N/A -
35 AspectC++ aspectc++ 1:2.2+git20181008-2
36 AspectJ aspectj 1.9.2-1
37 Asymptote asymptote 2.51-1
38 ATS ats2-lang 0.3.11-2
39 Awk gawk 1:4.2.1+dfsg-1.1build1
40 bash bash 5.0-4ubuntu1
41 bc bc 1.07.1-2build1
42 BeanShell bsh 2.0b4-19
43 Befunge N/A -
44 BLC8 N/A -
45 Brainfuck bf 20041219ubuntu6
46 C gcc 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1
47 C++ g++ 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1
48 C# mono-mcs
49 Chef N/A -
50 Clojure clojure 1.10.0-1
51 CMake cmake 3.13.4-1build1
52 Cobol gnucobol 2.2-5
53 CoffeeScript coffeescript 1.12.8~dfsg-4build1
54 Common Lisp clisp 1:2.49.20180218+really2.49.92-3build3
55 Curry pakcs 2.1.1-2
56 D gdc 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1
57 Dafny dafny 1.9.7-1
58 dc dc 1.07.1-2build1
59 eC ecere-dev 0.44.15-1build1
60 Elixir elixir 1.9.1.dfsg-1
61 Emacs Lisp emacs-nox 1:26.3+1-1ubuntu1
62 Erlang erlang 1:22.0.7+dfsg-1build1
63 F# fsharp
64 FALSE N/A -
65 Flex flex 2.6.4-6.2
66 Fish fish 3.0.2-2
67 Forth gforth 0.7.3+dfsg-9
68 FORTRAN77 f2c 20160102-1
69 Fortran90 gfortran 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1
70 Gambas script gambas3-script 3.13.0-1ubuntu2
71 GAP gap 4r10p2-2
72 GDB gdb 8.3-0ubuntu1
73 GEL (Genius) genius 1.0.24-2build2
74 GeneratorScriptingLanguage generator-scripting-language 4.1.5-3
75 Gnuplot gnuplot 5.2.6+dfsg1-2
76 Go golang 2:1.12~1ubuntu1
77 GolfScript N/A -
78 Grass N/A -
79 Groovy groovy 2.4.16-2ubuntu1
80 Gzip gzip 1.10-0ubuntu3
81 Haskell ghc 8.6.5+dfsg1-4
82 Haxe haxe 1:3.4.7-2
83 Icon icont, iconx 9.4.3-7ubuntu1
84 INTERCAL intercal 30:0.30-2
85 Jasmin jasmin-sable 2.5.0-2
86 Java openjdk-13-jdk 13+33-1
87 JavaScript nodejs 10.15.2~dfsg-2ubuntu1
88 Jq jq 1.5+dfsg-2build1
89 JSFuck nodejs 10.15.2~dfsg-2ubuntu1
90 Julia julia 1.0.4+dfsg-1
91 ksh ksh 93u+20120801-3.1ubuntu1
92 Lazy K N/A -
93 Lisaac lisaac 1:0.39~rc1-3build1
94 LiveScript livescript 1.6.0+dfsg-1
95 LLVM asm llvm 1:9.0-49~exp1
97 Lua lua5.3 5.3.3-1.1ubuntu1
98 M4 m4 1.4.18-2
99 Makefile make 4.2.1-1.2
100 Maxima maxima 5.42.1-1build1
101 MiniZinc minizinc 2.1.7+dfsg1-1
102 MSIL mono-devel
103 Mustache ruby-mustache 1.0.2-1
104 NASM nasm 2.14.02-1
105 Neko neko 2.2.0-2build2
106 Nickle nickle 2.85-1build1
107 Nim nim 0.20.2-1
108 Objective-C gobjc 4:9.2.1-3.1ubuntu1
109 OCaml ocaml 4.05.0-12ubuntu3
110 Octave octave 4.4.1-6ubuntu1
111 Ook! N/A -
112 PARI/GP pari-gp 2.11.2-2
113 Parser 3 parser3-cgi 3.4.5-4
114 Pascal fp-compiler 3.0.4+dfsg-22
115 Perl 5 perl 5.28.1-6build1
116 Perl 6 rakudo 2018.12-5
117 PHP php-cli 2:7.3+69ubuntu2
118 Piet N/A -
119 Pike pike8.0 8.0.702-1build2
120 PostScript ghostscript 9.27~dfsg+0-0ubuntu3
121 PPT (Punched tape) bsdgames 2.17-28
122 Prolog swi-prolog 7.6.4+dfsg-2ubuntu2
123 Promela (Spin) spin 6.4.9+dfsg-1
124 Python python 2.7.17-1
125 R r-base 3.6.1-4
126 Ratfor ratfor 1.0-16
127 rc rc 1.7.4+97.gceb59bb-2
128 REXX regina-rexx 3.6-2.1

Note that some languages are not available in Ubuntu (marked as N/A). This repository includes their implementations in vendor/. See also vendor/README in detail.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Why?

A. Take your pick.

Q. How?

A. Good news: I published a book, "The world of obfuscated, esoteric, artistic programming". It explains how to write a quine, an ascii-art quine, and a uroboros quine like this quine-relay. You can buy my book on amazon.co.jp.

(It also contains my almost all (about forty) works, including alphabet-only Ruby program, radiation-hardened quine, etc., and explains many techniques to write such programs.)

Bad news: It is written in Japanese. I hope you could translate it to English and help me earn royalties.

Q. Language XXX is missing!

A. See the criteria for language inclusion in detail. (In short: please create a deb package and contribute it to Ubuntu.)

See also ❤️.

Q. Does it really work?

A. Build Status

Q. How long did it take you?

A. Do you try to cross the world line?

Q. The code does not fit into my display!

A. Here you go.

Q. How was the code generated?


$ sudo apt-get install rake ruby-cairo ruby-rsvg2 ruby-gdk-pixbuf2 \
  optipng advancecomp ruby-chunky-png
$ cd src
$ rake2.0 clobber
$ rake2.0


The MIT License applies to all resources except the files in the vendor/ directory.

The files in the vendor/ directory are from third-parties and are distributed under different licenses. See vendor/README in detail.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Yusuke Endoh (@mametter), @hirekoke

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.