Backend Agnostic Tree-Based Tiling Window Manager

  • Paritions space by allocating space for WindowNodes automatically
  • Aims to provide a platform for writing window managers that abstracts the specific implementation away
  • Will (in future) be able to manage windows for multiple windowing system implementations

Build Steps

  • select [WinterFace_SGL_Client] or [xClient] build target
  • build and run with cmake

For xClient, please refer to the Demo section for more info



  • Click "Add" in the toolbar of the SGL window that appears
  • A tree of windows will be built incrementally, adding one each time you click the button!


xClient is intended as a proof of concept, it may not function well or at all.

Reason: no icccm, no reparenting support, no framing support, no global key binding support, no

  • Be on Linux
  • Install packages required by the script
  • Build xClient
  • cd into src/XServer/XClient
  • ./
  • other programs can be run on the the Xephyr X server by running them with the dispaly environment variable set to where the X server is running. EX: DISPLAY=:9 alacritty to run alacritty on dispaly :9
  • Automatic X server detection is disabled in XServer.cpp, the WM will always attempt to connect to the X server running on display :9

Reach out via the group discord channel if there are build issues!