
Bidirectional conversion between inputs and numbers

Primary LanguageTypeScript

numerick is a module for the parsing & formatting of numbers in a variety of human-friendly formats, as well conversion to and from normalized forms.



import { stringToNumber } from 'numerick'

stringToNumber( '1.234k', { metric: true } ) == 1234
stringToNumber( '1110.01', { radix: 2 } ) == 14.25

String Formatting

import { numberToString } from 'numerick'

numberToString( 1234, { separator: ',', padStart: true, length: 8, unit: 'u' } ) == '  1,234u'

HTML Formatting

import { numberFormat } from 'numerick'

const config = {
  precision: 4,
  unit: 'b'

const [
    prefix, // Supplied prefix, plus left padding.
    sign, // "-" or blank
    nan, // "NaN", "Infinity" or blank.
    whole, // Integer portion of number, including separators
    point, // Decimal point "."
    fract, // Fractional portion of number.
    multiplier, // Metric multiplier, or "e" for scientific form.
    exponent, // Numeric portion of scientific form.
    unit, // Unit as supplied.
] = numberFormat( 1234.5678, config )

  <span>{ prefix }</span>
  <span>{ sign }</span>
  <span>{ nan }</span>
  <span>{ whole }</span>
  <span>{ point }</span>
  <span>{ fract }</span>
  <span>{ multiplier }</span>
  <span>{ exponent }</span>
  <span>{ unit }</span>

Normalized Numbers

import { normToNumber, numberToNorm } from 'numerick'

// Apply a range and expo rate to normalized values.
const range = { min: -200, max: 200, expo: 1 }

normToNumber( 0,    range ) == -200
normToNumber( 0.25, range ) == -50
normToNumber( 0.5,  range ) == 0
normToNumber( 0.75, range ) == 50
normToNumber( 1,    range ) == 200

// Operations are reversible
numberToNorm( 50, range ) == 0.75


import {
  stringToNumber, numberToString,
} from 'numerick'

// Read number with metric notation.
stringToNumber( '1M', { metric: true } ) == 1e6
stringToNumber( '1m', { metric: true } ) == 1e-3

// Format numbers to metric
numberToString( 1e-3, { metric: true } ) == '1m'
numberToString( 1e-6, { metric: true } ) == '1μ'

// Optionally, avoid using the μ character
numberToString( 1e-6, { metric: true, metricScale: metricScaleAscii } ) == '1u'

// Use only a given range within metric scale
numberToString( 1e-3, { metric: true, metricMin: 1, metricMax: 1000 } ) == '0.001'
numberToString( 1e3, { metric: true, metricMin: 1, metricMax: 1000 } ) == '1k'
numberToString( 1e6, { metric: true, metricMin: 1, metricMax: 1000 } ) == '1000k'

Binary Metric

import { 
  stringToNumber, numberToString, 
} from 'numerick'

// Read binary metric numbers with loose formatting
stringToNumber( '64k', { metric: true, metricScale: metricScaleBinaryParse } ) == 65536
stringToNumber( '32Kib', { metric: true, metricScale: metricScaleBinaryParse } ) == 32768

// Format binary metric numbers with correct prefixes
numberToString( 4096, { metric: true, metricScale: metricScaleBinary } ) == '4Ki'

// Format binary metric numbers with short, incorrect prefixes
numberToString( 2**21, { metric: true, metricScale: metricScaleBinaryShort } ) == '2m'


numberToString( value:number, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : string

stringToNumber( value:string, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : number

stringToNumberUnit( value:string, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : { value: number, unit: string }

normToNumber( value:number, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : number

numberToNorm( value:number, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : number

stringToNorm( string:number, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : number

normToString( value:number, config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : string

normStep( config:NumerickConfig = {} ) : number

checkConfig( config: NumerickConfig ) : { key:string, type:'warning' | 'error', message:string }[]



min, max : number = 0, 1

Define the expected range of numbers. When converting to and from normalized form, min will be 0 and max will be 1.

clamp : boolean = false

If set, confine numbers to between min & max, inclusive.


step: number = 0

quant : number = 0.00000125

bias: number = 0.5

Apply rounding when quantizing numbers. 0 is equivalant to floor, 0.5 to round and 1 to ceil.


expo: number = 0

Apply an exponential rate to normalized values. This can be used to make controls progressively more responsive at higher values. An expo value of 1 is equivalent to pow(value,2). Ranges are normalized to min, max and origin.

origin: number = 0

Use a custom centre for expo, as well as quantization. For instance, for a bi-directional R/C control, you might use something like { min: 1000, origin: 1500, max: 2000 }.

deadzone: number = 0

When converting from normalized values, apply a 'deadzone' around origin, where abs(value-origin) < deadzone will map to origin. Values will be scaled so that min, max and origin as preserved.

String formatting

length: number = 0

If non-zero, attempt to format a string of a given length, using fractional digits or padding. The length will include prefix & unit. If precision is specified, or the integer portion of the number is too long, the actual length of the string may exceed length.

prefix: string = ''

radix: number = 10

Note: Floating point numbers with radix other than 10 may have bugs!

precision: number = 0

Force a given number of fractional digits ( including decimal point ) when formatting, equivalent to the Javascript toPrecision function.

padStart: boolean = false

If used in conjunction with padZero, the string will be padded with zero rather than spaces.

padZero: boolean = false

signZero: boolean = false

Whether to format negative-zero with sign.

nanString: string = 'NaN'

String to use when formatting NaN.

nanValue: number = NaN

Number to return when parsed string input is invalid.

scientific: boolean = true for parsing, false for formatting.

Format numbers in scientific notation, similar to the toExponential function. For example, 1000 -> 1e+3. Note, exponential portion of scientific notation will always use a radix of 10, regardless of the radix option.

metric: boolean = false

metricFudge: number

metricMin: number

metricMax: number

unit: string = ''


separator: string = ''

Use a specific character to separate digit groups when formatting numbers. For example, '_' will produce strings in Javacript-compatible '1_000_000' format.

separateDigits: number | number[] = 3

The size of digit groups when using separator. May be an array for variable group size, such as [3,2] for Indian-style (1,000,000,00) numbers.

separators: string | string[] = ',_\''

Accept custom characters as digit group separators when parsing. Note that when parsing, the size of digit groups is ignored.

Additional String Formatting

negative: string = '-'

If specified, use an alternate prefix for negative numbers.

positive: string = ''

If specified, denote positive numbers by prefixing with a given string. For example, '+'.

point: string = '.'

If specified, use a specific string as the decimal point when formatting or parsing numbers. For example, ',' for European-style formatting.

scientificString: string = 'e'

Optionally, replace the 'e' character in scientific-form numbers with a given string.

charset: string