- 2
exclude file types
#25 opened by Thlr - 2
#6 opened by saxbophone - 1
What is the LICENSE on gittyleaks
#24 opened by shreyasmrs - 1
It doesn't respond to a `SIGTERM`
#23 opened by wiseaidev - 3
Windows Support
#8 opened by chris-rudmin - 1
Unicode Decode Error
#12 opened by overfl0wd - 3
Scan local directory tree
#22 opened by ralfbergs - 0
No real-time output in verbose mode
#20 opened by ed-george - 17
Hanging indefinitely, encoding error
#11 opened by overfl0wd - 1
- 0
Add commit hash to the ouput
#16 opened by tosiara - 2
- 1
Image issue
#4 opened by sachinrameshtendulkar - 3
Funky image in README
#3 opened by lmas - 4
Argparser / README inconsistencies
#2 opened by skoslowski - 3
Missing requirement
#1 opened by skoslowski