
A customized version of the nginx-upload-module that adds various HTTP method enhancements and other bug fixes

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


This is a fork of the 2.2 branch of the nginx-upload-module that allows for:

  • Configurable support for PUT and PATCH HTTP methods
  • Passing GET and OPTIONS requests transparently on to the upload_pass handler


Current Version: 2.2.1+veracross.1

Currently this fork is versioned with a +veracross build suffix. This follows the build metadata portion of Semantic Versioning specification.


The following documentation covers the features this fork adds. The original documentation should be used for all other functionality:


This flag (on/off) configures the upload module to pass any requests that are not POST, PUT or PATCH on to the upload_pass location without processing them at all.

The nginx-upload-module normally responds to OPTIONS requests with a hard-coded 200 OK response, which does not allow applications to properly handle cross-domain OPTIONS requests.

With this option turned on, your application code will be invoked for OPTIONS requests, and all other methods such as GET, DELETE and HEAD.

location /files {
	upload_pass @my_handler;
	upload_pass_other_methods on;


This flag (on/off) configures the upload module to allow file upload handling for the HTTP PUT and PATCH methods.

The nginx-upload-module normally rejects all requests that do not use POST.

location /files {
	upload_pass @my_handler;
	upload_allow_methods_put_patch on;


The Changelog is maintained with keep a record of all features and bug fixes.

Nginx 1.3 and 1.4 Support

Currently neither this version, nor the original nginx-upload-module support Nginx 1.3.9+. With version 1.3.9 quite a bit of the Nginx internals were rewritten to support chunked requests.

See https://github.com/vkholodkov/nginx-upload-module/issues/41#issuecomment-15692917 for the original author’s position on Nginx 1.3.9+ compatibility.


The nginx-upload-module was written by Valery Kholodkov (http://www.nginxguts.com/).