DVTokyo - BASE - IoT Device source

brief description

  • This is source for BASE IoT device.
  • In BASE system,
    • the device is connected to internet via Wi-Fi and communicate to server
    • the device is requested power supply via MQTT
    • the device controls hardware to enable/disable wireless power supply
    • the device notifies current status to server via MQTT for blockchain-based-payment


  • ESP32 (Espressif, micro computer)
  • N-ch FET is connected to PIN14
  • LED is connected to PIN15


  • MQTT based
    • Host: test.mosquitto.org:1883
    • Protocol: mqtt / tcp
    • Publish from Server to Car: /dvhack18/base/requestCarStatus/{carUUID}
    • Publish from Car to Server: /dvhack18/base/notifyCarStatus
  • Use cases
    • request to change status from server to device
        "request": "start",
        "usrId": "xxxxxxxxx",
        "expectedConsumption": "100"
    • notify current status from device to server
        "status": "inUse",
        "deviceId": "1234",
        "remainingPower": "10000"


  • build: platformio -f -c clion run
  • upload to device: platformio -f -c clion run --target upload
  • clean: platformio -f -c clion run --target clean
