

Primary LanguageJava

Issue #1024

I am trying to secure oauth authentication and resource using spring-security

I have ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter class annotated with @Order(99) but the filter chain seems to be ignored.

These are my rules :

An anonymous user should be able to access only these endpoints

An authenticated user with ROLE_USER should be able to access only these endpoints

An authenticated user using a jwt can access these endpoints


  1. Clone the project

     git clone https://github.com/kopax/spring-security-oauth-issues-1024 && cd spring-security-oauth-issues-1024
  2. start the server

     ./gradlew build --info && java -jar build/libs/api-oauth2.jar --spring.profiles.active=default
  3. get a cookie

     export COOKIE=$(curl -v --silent http://localhost:8081/ 2>&1 | grep cookie -i | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
  4. authenticate the cookie

     export COOKIE=$(curl --cookie "$COOKIE" -d username=admin -d password=verysecret -v --silent http://localhost:8081/login 2>&1 | grep cookie -i | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
  5. try to get a secured oauth resource at /

     curl --cookie "$COOKIE" -v http://localhost:8081/


http status code 401 due to missing header Authorization


http status code 200

Useful information:

Spring server:

Security account (cookie):

  • username: admin
  • password: verysecret

OAuth account (jwt):

  • client_id: myfirstapp
  • client_secret: test
  • redirect_uri: http://localhost:8081/
  • access_token_uri: http://localhost:8081/oauth/token
  • authorization_uri: http://localhost:8081/oauth/authorize
  • authorization_grant: code
  • redirect_uri: http://localhost:8081/cb/myfirstapp