
Python SDK to connect to the Kopo Kopo API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



k2-connect is a Python library for accessing the Kopo Kopo APIs.


Use the package manager pip to install k2connect.

pip3 install k2-connect



The library is initialized once then all services maybe accessed by creating different instances for specific services. The BASE_URL is a custom value and any url maybe passed provided it is secured and should only be accessible over TLS (HTTPS) and your server should have a valid certificate. Initialization requires the following arguments:

  • base_url
  • client_id
  • client_secret
import os
import k2connect

CLIENT_ID = 'my_client_id'
BASE_URL = 'https://sandbox.kopokopo.com/'

#initialize the library
k2connect.initialize(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, BASE_URL)

k2connect services

After initialization, k2connect services may be accessed by creating instances of a specific service. For instance:

# create an instance of the service 
authenticator = k2connect.Tokens

# access a method provided by the service

One can access the following k2connect services:

Token service

The token service allows you to request access tokens that you will use in order to communicate with the Kopo Kopo APIs. The token service avails the option for you to implement token refresh mechanism by providing the duration within which the token will expire.

The get_access_token() and get_token_expiry_duration() methods each take a response object from which they extract the token and expiry duration values.A request token and expiry duration time can be gotten as follows:

# create an instance of the token service
token_service = k2connect.Tokens

# request the access token
access_token_request = token_service.request_access_token()

# get access token
access_token = token_service.get_access_token(access_token_request)

# get expiry duration
token_expiry_duration = token_service.get_token_expiry_duration(access_token_request)

Pay service

The pay service enables you to add external entities (recipients) as destinations for payments made withe the pay service. It also enables you to make payments and check for a payment's status.

To add pay recipients the add_pay_recipient() method is used. The currently supported recipient types are bank_account and mobile_wallet the method then takes a set of key worded arguments required to create a recipient of either type. The accepted key worded arguments are as follows:

For bank_account recipient:

  • account_name REQUIRED
  • account_number REQUIRED
  • bank_branch_ref REQUIRED
  • settlement_method REQUIRED

For mobile_wallet recipient:

  • first_name REQUIRED
  • last_name REQUIRED
  • phone REQUIRED
  • email REQUIRED
  • network REQUIRED

For till recipient:

  • till_name REQUIRED
  • till_number REQUIRED

For paybill recipient:

  • paybill_name REQUIRED
  • paybill_number REQUIRED
  • paybill_account_number REQUIRED

To send payments the send_pay() method is used. It takes the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • callback_url REQUIRED
  • destination REQUIRED
  • amount REQUIRED
  • description REQUIRED
  • currency='KES' REQUIRED
  • metadata OPTIONAL. Maximum 5 dictionaries/hashes/key-value pairs.

Note: the currency argument is set to KES as the default currency since that is the only ISO currency currently supported. It may however, be overridden by passing a different currency value in its place. If you do not wish to override the KES currency you can simply avoid passing it as an argument.

The pay service also enables you to check the status of a transaction by querying a URL that points to the transaction resource, using the pay_transaction_status().

The Resource Location URL is returned by the either of the methods.

# create an instance of the pay service
pay_service = k2connect.Pay

# create bank account pay recipient
bank_recipient_request = {
   "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
   "recipient_type": 'bank_account',
   "settlement_method": "EFT",
   "account_name": "bank_account_name",
   "bank_branch_ref": "633aa26c-7b7c-4091-ae28-96c0687cf886",
   "account_number": "bank_account_number"
bank_pay_location = pay_service.add_pay_recipient(bank_recipient_request)

# create mobile wallet pay recipient
mobile_recipient_request = {
   "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
   "recipient_type": 'mobile_wallet',
   "first_name": "mobile_wallet_first_name",
   "last_name": "mobile_wallet_last_name",
   "phone_number": "+254123456789",
   "network": "mobile_wallet_network",
   "email": "test@test.com"
mobile_pay_location = pay_service.add_pay_recipient(mobile_recipient_request)

# create till pay recipient
till_recipient_request = {
   "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
   "recipient_type": "till",
   "till_name": "till_name",
   "till_number": "till_number",
till_pay_location = pay_service.add_pay_recipient(till_recipient_request)

# create paybill pay recipient
paybill_recipient_request = {
   "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
   "recipient_type": "paybill",
   "paybill_name": "paybill_name",
   "paybill_number": "paybill_number",
   "paybill_account_number": "account_number",
paybill_pay_location = pay_service.add_pay_recipient(paybill_recipient_request)
# send pay transaction to mobile wallet
request_payload = {
           "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
           "destination_reference": '9764ef5f-fcd6-42c1-bbff-de280becc64b',
           "destination_type": 'mobile_wallet',
           "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
           "amount": '10',
           "currency": 'KES',
           "metadata": { "hey": 'there', "mister": 'angelo'}
create_mobile_pay_location = pay_service.send_pay(request_payload)
# send pay transaction to bank account
request_payload = {
           "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
           "destination_reference": '9764ef5f-fcd6-42c1-bbff-de280becc64b',
           "destination_type": 'bank_account',
           "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
           "amount": '10',
           "currency": 'KES',
           "metadata": { "hey": 'there', "mister": 'angelo'}
create_bank_pay_location = pay_service.send_pay(request_payload)
# send pay transaction to till
request_payload = {
           "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
           "destination_reference": '9764ef5f-fcd6-42c1-bbff-de280becc64b',
           "destination_type": 'till',
           "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
           "amount": '10',
           "currency": 'KES',
           "metadata": { "hey": 'there', "mister": 'angelo'}
create_till_pay_location = pay_service.send_pay(request_payload)
# send pay transaction to paybill account
request_payload = {
           "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
           "destination_reference": '9764ef5f-fcd6-42c1-bbff-de280becc64b',
           "destination_type": 'paybill',
           "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
           "amount": '10',
           "currency": 'KES',
           "metadata": { "hey": 'there', "mister": 'angelo'}
create_paybill_pay_location = pay_service.send_pay(request_payload)

# get payment request status
pay_request_status = pay_service.pay_transaction_status(access_token, create_mobile_pay_location)

Receive payments service

The receive payments service allows you to create requests for incoming payments over a specific channel and receive the payments to your account. You can also check the status of your payment requests and access the payment request through a URL.

In order to create a payment request, the create_payment_request() method is used. This method can be passed the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • callback_url REQUIRED
  • first_name REQUIRED
  • last_name REQUIRED
  • payment_channel REQUIRED
  • phone REQUIRED
  • till_number REQUIRED
  • value REQUIRED
  • currency='KES' REQUIRED
  • metadata OPTIONAL. Maximum 5 dictionaries/hashes/key-value pairs.

Note: the currency argument is set to KES as the default currency since that is the only ISO currency currently supported. It may however, be overridden by passing a different currency value in its place. If you do not wish to override the KES currency you can simply avoid passing it as an argument.

The method also creates the provision for optional email information to be passed in the key worded argument form, for instance:


Furthermore, the create_payment_request() allows you to add metadata information passed in the form of a maximum of 5 key worded arguments.
The URL required for checking a payment request status is returned by default with the create_payment_request method.

import os

# get the access token

# create an instance of the receive payments service
receive_payments_service = k2connect.ReceivePayments

# create a payment request
request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "callback_url": "https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d",
    "first_name": "python_first_name",
    "last_name": "python_last_name",
    "email": "daivd.j.kariuki@gmail.com",
    "payment_channel": "MPESA",
    "phone_number": "+254911222536",
    "till_number": "K112233",
    "amount": "10",
    "metadata": { "hey": 'there', "mister": 'angelo'}
mpesa_payment_location = receive_payments_service.create_payment_request(request_payload)

# get payment request status
payment_request_status = receive_payments_service.payment_request_status(access_token, mpesa_payment_location)

Transfers service

The transfer service enables you to create verified settlement mobile and bank accounts with respective add_settlement_account() methods. The method takes the following arguments:

Common for both:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED

For add_bank_settlement_account:

  • account_name REQUIRED
  • account_number REQUIRED
  • bank_id REQUIRED
  • bank_branch_id REQUIRED

For add_mobile_wallet_settlement_account recipient:

  • msisdn REQUIRED
  • network: 'Safaricom' REQUIRED

The transfer service enables you to transfer funds to these pre-approved settlement accounts. To settle funds the settle_funds() is used. It enables you to make two types of transfer transactions, a blind settlement and a targeted settlement. A blind transaction is made with the destination argument set to None, in the event that an ID for the destination of funds is provided then a targeted transfer is made to that destination. The method takes the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • transfer_value REQUIRED
  • transfer_currency = 'KES' REQUIRED
  • destination_type OPTIONAL
  • destination_reference OPTIONAL

Note: the currency argument is set to KES as the default currency since that is the only ISO currency currently supported. It may however, be overridden by passing a different currency value in its place. If you do not wish to override the KES currency you can simply avoid passing it as an argument.

You can check a transfer transaction's status by querying the transaction resource's location URL which is returned by the settle_funds method by default.
The transfer_transaction_status() method is then used to check a transfer transaction status.

# initialize the transfer service
transfer_service = k2connect.Transfers

# create verified settlement bank account
request_payload = {
            "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
            "settlement_method": 'RTS',
            "account_name": 'py_sdk_account_name',
            "account_number": 'py_sdk_account_number',
            "bank_branch_ref": '633aa26c-7b7c-4091-ae28-96c0687cf886'
settlement_account = transfer_service.add_bank_settlement_account(request_payload)
# create verified settlement mobile account
request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "first_name": 'py_sdk_first_name',
    "last_name": 'py_sdk_last_name',
    "phone_number": '+254911222538',
    "network": 'Safaricom'
settlement_account = transfer_service.add_mobile_wallet_settlement_account(request_payload)

# settle funds (blind transfer)
request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "callback_url": 'url',
    "value": '10',
transfer_transaction = transfer_service.settle_funds(request_payload) 

# settle funds (targeted transfer to a merchant_wallet)
request_payload = {
            "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
            "destination_type": 'merchant_bank_account',
            "destination_reference": '87bbfdcf-fb59-4d8e-b039-b85b97015a7e',
            "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
            "value": '10',
transfer_transaction_mobile_location = transfer_service.settle_funds(request_payload)

# settle funds (targeted transfer to a merchant_wallet)
request_payload = {
            "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
            "destination_type": 'merchant_wallet',
            "destination_reference": 'eba238ae-e03f-46f6-aed5-db357fb00f9c',
            "callback_url": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
            "value": '10',
transfer_transaction_bank_location = transfer_service.settle_funds(request_payload)

# get transfer transaction status
transfer_transaction_status = transfer_service.transfer_transaction_status(access_token, transfer_transaction_mobile_location or transfer_transaction_bank_location)
The destination_reference number corresponding to a settlement account must exist before you can settle_funds to it.

Webhook service

The webhook service allows you to create subscriptions to events that occur on the KopoKopo application. The create_subscription() method is used, it takes the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • event_type REQUIRED
  • webhook_endpoint REQUIRED
  • client_secret REQUIRED

Currently the following events are supported:

  • b2b_transaction_received
  • buygoods_transaction_received
  • buygoods_transaction_reversed
  • m2m_transaction_received
  • settlement_transfer_completed
  • customer_created
import os

# initialize service
webhook_service = k2connect.Webhooks

request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "event_type": 'buygoods_transaction_received',
    "webhook_endpoint": 'https://webhook.site/52fd1913-778e-4ee1-bdc4-74517abb758d',
    "scope": 'till',
    "scope_reference": '112233'

# create webhook subscription
customer_created_subscription = webhook_service.create_subscription(request_payload)

Notification service

This service allows you to send custom sms messages to successful buy-goods transactions received that occurred on the Kopo Kopo. It takes the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • webhookEventReference: The webhook event reference for a buygoods_transaction_received webhook. REQUIRED
  • message: The message to be sent REQUIRED
  • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED

Note: A buygoods_transaction_received webhook subscription must have been created, with its subsequent webhook event in place.

You can check an SMS notification request's status by querying the requests' location URL which is returned by the send_transaction_sms_notification method by default.
The transaction_notification_status() method is used to check an SMS notification request status.

import os

# initialize notification service
notification_service = k2connect.Notifications

# create transaction sms notifications
request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "callback_url": 'callback_url',
    "webhook_event_reference": "d81312b9-4c0e-4347-971f-c3d5b14bdbe4",
    "message": 'Alleluia',
notification_resource_location_url = notification_service.send_transaction_sms_notification(request_payload)

# get request status
request_status = notification_service.transaction_notification_status(access_token, notification_resource_location_url)

Polling service

This service allows you to poll transactions received on the Kopo Kopo system within a certain time range, and either a company or a specific till. It takes the following arguments:

  • bearer_token REQUIRED
  • fromTime: The starting time of the polling request REQUIRED
  • toTime: The end time of the polling request REQUIRED
  • scope: The scope of the polling request REQUIRED
  • scopeReference: The scope reference REQUIRED for the 'till' scope
  • callbackUrl: Url that the result will be posted to REQUIRED

You can check a polling request's status by querying the requests' location URL which is returned by the create_polling_request method by default.
The polling_request_status() method is used to check an polling request status.

import os

# initialize service
notification_service = k2connect.Polling

# create polling request
request_payload = {
    "access_token": 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    "callback_url": 'callback_url',
    "scope": "till",
    "scope_reference": "112233",
    "from_time": "2021-07-09T08:50:22+03:00",
    "to_time": "2021-07-10T18:00:22+03:00",
polling_resource_location_url = notification_service.send_transaction_sms_notification(request_payload)

# get request status
request_status = notification_service.transaction_notification_status(access_token, polling_resource_location_url)

For more information, please read Transaction Notification Docs

Result processor

Results (inclusive of webhook results and results posted to callback URLs asynchronously) sent from KopoKopo have to be processed before payloads can be accessed. The result processor can be used to accomplish this using the process() method.

# initialize result handler
result_handler = k2connect.ResultHandler

# process result 
processed_payload = result_handler.process(some_result)

Payload decomposer

Once a result is processed an a payload has been returned, it can be decomposed into its constituent result data using the payload decomposer. The payload decomposer achieves this using the decompose() method.

from k2connect import payload_decomposer

# decompose a payload
decomposer = payload_decomposer.decompose(processed_payload)

# get first name
first_name = decomposer.first_name


This library was written by PhilipWafula and David Kariuki Mwangi.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome. Feel free raise issues on our issues tracker


k2connect-python is MIT Licensed.
