
System dependencies

Set up the application

  1. cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml # edit as necessary
  2. bin/setup


The following environment variables are expected to be configured by the environment, not via .env files:

  • DOMAIN: Domain name that the application is being served at.
  • PORT: The port Puma listens on (defaults to 3000).
  • RAILS_ENV: The environment to run the application in (defaults to development).
  • RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT: Set this to anything to log to STDOUT instead of a file.
  • RAILS_MASTER_KEY: Used to encrypt secrets in config/secrets.yml.enc.
  • RAILS_MAX_THREADS: How many threads to run per process (defaults to 5).
  • RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES: Set this to let Rails/Puma serve static files. Usually nginx or Apache fronting the application handles this, but if you're only running an application server like Puma, this needs to be set (to any value).
  • SMTP_ADDRESS: Address/hostname of the server to send emails via.
  • SMTP_PASSWORD: Password for sending emails.
  • SMTP_USERNAME: Username for sending emails.