This repository provides Scripts and Patches to build a basic Linux (Debian) System for a Beckhoff CX9020 Controller. It only works with devices which are ordered with a special ordering number (CX9020-0100) which ensures that the device boots directly from the microSD card instead of using the internal bootloader. Please make sure to follow the steps below to create your microSD card.
#prepare your machine f.e.: 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS would require:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y multistrap qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static mercurial libtool autoconf lib32z1 lib32ncurses5-dev lib32stdc++6 git make xz-utils bc wget
# fix multistrap bug in Ubuntu 14.04
sudo sed -i "s/\$forceyes //" /usr/sbin/multistrap
# get the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Beckhoff/CX9020.git
cd CX9020/
#get and install a cross compiler:
#get and patch the u-boot sources:
./tools/prepare_uboot.sh v2015.07
#build u-boot:
make uboot
#get and patch a rt kernel:
./tools/prepare_kernel.sh 4.1 12 13
#configure and build the kernel:
make kernel
#get and patch etherlab (optional):
#configure and build the etherlab (optional):
make etherlab
#prepare sdcard with a small debian rootfs:
#BE CAREFUL to specify the correct device name,
#or you might end up deleting your host's root partition!
./scripts/install.sh /dev/sdc
#install etherlab (optional):
./scripts/52_install_etherlab.sh /tmp/rootfs
##Usage The standard login on first boot:
User: root
Password: root
Please change the root password immediately and additionally create your own user.
##History TODO: Write history