Model-Free Episodic Control algorithm written in C++ and tested in Unreal Engine 4 in the Pong Game.
This algorithm is described in detail in the folowing paper: "Model-Free Episodic Control" by Blundell Charles, Uria Benigno, Pritzel Alexander, Li Yazhe et. al. (
An epsilon-greedy strategy is added: an epsilon is decreasing with the time.
The algorithm fails in the PongGame. Another evidence can be found in the folowing paper:
Every screenshot is tranformed to a simplified (b/w, smaller size, filters) image. This image is projected to a vector state. Random projection s.t. x->Ax is exploited, where A is randrom matrix with entries that are from a standart Gaussian distribution.
A KNN search is implemented using a KDtree from the FLANN library from OpenCV 3.0.
- may be it should be replaced with the nanoflann library
A calculated QECtable is saved (serialized) to a .xml archive. This file is quite heavy (~47 MB) but still readable. To decrease its size, a binary archive can be used. A small summary is also written to .txt file simultaneously with the archive.
A VAE is implemented using the TensorFlow library and the UnrealEnginePython plagin for Unreal Engine 4 ( The encoder and decoder networks are both convolutional. The distribution of latent variables is chosen to be Gaussian while the decoder uses Bernoulli distribution since game screenshots are grayscale.
- number of neighbors (K - kKNN) [11]
- dimension of a state vector (kDimState) [32]
- size of a transformed screenshot (kTransformedImageDim) [84 x 84]
- buffer size (the size of QEC table for each action - kBufferMaxsize) [1000000]
- epsilon decay from a maximum to a minimum value (kEpsMax, kEpsMin, kEpsDenominator)
- discount coefficient (kECdiscount) [0.99]
- number of episodes before the next save (kSaveEpisodes)
- number of frames to skip (kFrameSkip) [5]
- OpenCV plagin for Unreal Engine 4 (
- screenshots processing
- KD trees from FLANN library
- Boost library
- serialisation of QEC table to load previously obtained results
- UnrealEnginePython plagin for UE4
- VAE and plot of a learning curve
- HSE_AI_Labs/Lab_4/ by Andrey Kashin (
- Model-Free-Episodic-Control written in Python by Frank He (