
Single shot object detection in PyTorch

Primary LanguagePython

Single Shot Detection

Build flexible object detection pipelines with declarative configuration


You are being provided with the following set of features:

  • Supporting latest PyTorch release
  • Train SSD or RetinaNet
  • Available backbones: torchvision + MobileNet, MobileNetV2
  • Data augmentations
  • AdamW and SGDW optimizers, some custom learning rate schedulers
  • Weight pruning for efficient inference
  • Export to ONNX or OpenVINO
  • Tensorboard integration
  • Training callbacks

Quick start

Download PASCAL VOC or COCO dataset and start training using one of the provided sample configs:

python3 main.py --config samples/ssd_mb2_voc.py

(don't forget to adjust the path first!)

Command line arguments:

  • config - a path to a config file
  • save_dir - a folder where checkpoints are going to be saved
  • checkpoint_dir - set this to restore training from a previously created checkpoint. All subsequent checkpoints will saved here instead of save_dir unless new_checkpoint arguments is specified
  • phases - one or multiple runtime phases:
    • train - run train loop
    • eval - run eval pass; if is set along with train runs each eval_every'th epoch
    • test - run on a video, drawing annotations
    • export - export to ONNX
    • export-mo - export to OpenVINO model format
    • embed - (for debug purposes) drop to IPython shell after initialization
  • video - a video or a folder (which will be searched recursively) for test phase
  • tensorboard - save tensorboard log to the checkpoint folder


  • python 3.6
  • opencv with python bindings
  • requirements.txt


Some places that may be useful to look into:

  • bf - provides common reusable parts for building a deep learning pipeline
    • bf.base - custom backbone network implementation (e.g. MobileNetV2)
    • bf.datasets - dataset handling
    • bf.preprocessing - data augmentations and preprocessing
    • bf.training - callbacks; custom optimizers and learning rate schedulers; weight prunner
    • ...
  • detection - parts of code which are used to build object detection pipelines on top of bf
  • samples - contains sample configuration files for popular network architectures
  • main.py - the entry point

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