Azure AD B2C Custom Policies with the Identity Experience Framework(IEF) - Unsupported documents and samples

A Demo of Azure AD B2C is deployed at

** The contents of this repository are unsupported and may or not be current. Replies to questions about unsupported material have the lowest priority **

What are the supported features and where is the supported documentation? Supported feature set of Custom Policies with IEF available via:

  1. The inline documentation in the Identity Experience Framework tab in B2C. Click on "Developer Responsibilities"
  2. Azure official documentation page

Why unsupported?

The Identity Experience Framework is a powerful identity engine with a very comprehensive feature set, that is used internally for Microsoft services like Azure AD B2C. Only a subset of features will be tested, monitored, documented, and supported over time. The supported list will increase quickly. Unsupported samples and documentation are provided for our fans and partners for training, and feedback only.

Unsupported material - TOC

Samples for Including:

  • Web application /src/WingTipGamesWebApplication
  • Application Insights Viewer /src/WingTipUserJourneyPlayerWebApplication
  • Web app with admin side analytics src/WingTipToysWebApplication

Training Laboratory for learning Azure AD B2C w Custom Policies

  • /Labs-Training-V2

Sample iOS Touch ID with B2C

Community Pull Requests are Welcome!


On 3/27/2017, Facebook made an a change to the method by which they send responses. The following entry must be included in the metadata section of the Facebook Technical Profile:

<Item Key="AccessTokenResponseFormat">json</Item>