
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project relize:

  1. CRUD news;
  2. Import/export xlsx file with intresting places into/from django admin;
  3. Send mails to contacts from django admin.

You can install from Docker:

  1. Setup project into you directory:
    git clone
  2. Rename .env.example file to .env and set constants.
  3. In docker-compose.yml so set contats for you database.
  4. Run docker-compose:
    docker-compose up --build -d

After this you have to create superuser for you:
docker-compose exec webapp python manage.py createsuperuser

And go to



You can create news in admin for this path:
localhost:8000/admin - login with your password

  • In admin you can change title/content by rich text

For use API use path: localhost:8000/api/new for chech all news and
localhost:8000/api/new/id - for once new (where id - id-number of new)

Import/export xlsx files

In admin site you can import xlsx fiiles into places, by clicked into button "Import" and select a file.

Send mail with constance.

In admin site change title/content of mail by constance, set recipients in contact table.
Then go to localhost:8000/send_mail