
How to format a thesis with LaTeX

Primary LanguageCMake


Here I show how I used LaTeX for formatting my PhD thesis. It is meant for inspiration for others. I am not a LaTeX expert, so please don't ask me questions about how to do things in LaTeX. If you have improvements, then I am happy to receive pull requests.

Software used, apart from LaTeX:

  • CMake for generating project files to drive the generation of a PDF.
  • UseLATEX which contains a CMake function for defining a LaTeX PDF target. A copy is available in this repository.
  • ClassicThesis which is a style specifically made for theses. Your LaTeX distribution probably already provides it.
  • A build system for driving the generation of the PDF. See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html for a list of supported build systems.

To test things out, generate a PDF of the thesis like this:

git clone https://github.com/kordejong/hello_thesis.git

# Create a directory in which to store the PDF and all intermediate files
# created.
mkdir build
cd build

# Ask CMake to generate project files for the Ninja build too. Change Ninja
# to something else if you want to use another build tool.
cmake -G "Ninja" ../hello_thesis

# Tell Ninja to build the PDF

If all went well and you like the result, you can use the scripts and LaTeX sources as inspiration for your own thesis project.

I made various changes to the default ClassicThesis configuration. Just compare the one in the repository with the default one from the ClassicThesis zip file.

  • Use biber instead of bibtex.
  • I prefer the lines to be a little bit wider.
  • I prefer to have black fonts, also for headers and links.
  • ...