Home Bias in Public Procurement



Data availability and provenance statements

Statement about rights

The author(s) of the manuscript have legitimate access to and permission to use the data used in this manuscript.

Summary of availability

  • All data are publicly available.

Details on each data source

All source data are available publicly with a permissive license. The Makefile lists the URLs from which they can be downloaded.

Dataset list

Data file Source License
data/raw/ted/can-2019.csv European Commission (2015) https://data.europa.eu/en/legal-notice
data/raw/geodist/dist_cepii.dta CEPII (2011) https://www.etalab.gouv.fr/licence-ouverte-open-licence
data/raw/country-codes/country-codes.csv Data Hub (2021) https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/

Description of programs/code

The project uses GNU Make. To install dependencies, run make install from the root of the project folder. To do all data cleaning and analysis steps, run make.

  • Programs in code/read will extract and reformat all datasets referenced above.
  • The script code/aggregate.do aggregates Tenders Electronic Daily data to country pairs.
  • The script code/merge.do merges the three cleaned datasets.
  • Programs in code/analysis run the analysis.

License for Code

The code is licensed under a MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


  • European Commission, 2015. "Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) (csv subset) – public procurement notices [data set]." Available at: http://data.europa.eu/88u/dataset/ted-csv Last accessed November 30, 2021].
  • Mayer, T. & Zignago, S. 2011. "Notes on CEPII’s distances measures: the GeoDist Database." CEPII Working Paper 2011-25
  • Centre d’études prospectives et d’informations internationales. 2011. "GeoDist [data set]." Available at http://www.cepii.fr/cepii/en/bdd_modele/download.asp?id=6. Last accessed on 2021-12-07.
  • Data Hub. 2021. "Comprehensive country codes: ISO 3166, ITU, ISO 4217 currency codes and many more [data set]" Available at https://datahub.io/core/country-codes Last accessed on 2021-12-07.