
Fluent CQL

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fluent CQL (fcql)

Allows fluent syntax for Cassandra Query Language (cql). Basically it creates CQL string queries from JavaScript code.

NOTE! Only CQL3 is supported.


var stringQuery = fcql.select(['key', 'email', 'last_name'])
.where( { key: 'my_user' }).build();

results with

SELECT key, email, last_name
FROM user_profiles
WHERE key = 'my_user';

Also raw strings work:

var stringQuery = fcql.select('key, email, last_name')

results the same as above.

For whom?

  • The library validates given parameters so that you do less mistakes and code faster.
  • The library helpful for CQL newbies. JSDoc supported functions will show you available options.
  • The library allows partial query reuse (DRY). You can store 'SELECT...FROM...' and then add 'WHERE' as new query needed.


var fcql = require('fcql');

Creating tables

fcql.create().table('my_mega_table', {
  name: fcql.text, // allows usage of both hardcoded ('text') and/or fcql-provided CQL types
  eventDate: 'timestamp',
  device: fcql.uuid,
  sensor: 'int',
  description: 'text',
  PRIMARY_KEY: [ ['name', 'eventDate'], 'device', 'sensor' ]

results with

CREATE TABLE my_mega_table (
  name text,
  eventDate timestamp,
  device uuid,
  sensor int,
  description text,
  PRIMARY KEY ((name, eventDate), device, sensor)

Querying for data

  aStringKey: {GT: '0', LE: '9'},
  anIntKey: 123,
  aDateKey: [new Date(3141592653589), new Date(2141592653589)]

results with

SELECT something FROM somewhere WHERE 
aStringKey > '0' AND aStringKey <= '9' 
AND anIntKey = 123 
AND aDateKey IN ('2069-07-21T00:37:33.589Z', '2037-11-11T22:50:53.589Z');

Want to contribute?

It is Open Open Source. Whoever sends a PR, which gets accepted, receives the write permissions.