
Simple demo Rails API for LC demo

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a basic Rails API which will serve some test data for this example map application.


It's assumed your system has the following tools installed:

  • Ruby (> 2.2)
  • Rails (>2.5)
  • PostgreSQL


First clone the repo into a directory.

> mkdir lc_api && cd lc_api
> git clone https://github.com/koriner/lc_api.git .

To set up the app and database:

# creates and migrates the db
> rake db:create
> rake db:migrate

# seeds the db with example data
> rake db:seed

Running the app

Run the server:

> rails s

Check it's working:

Visit in your browser. You should see the 'Welcome to Rails' homepage.

Now visit You should see some JSON output from the API.