- 1
Add stencil bits to macos AWT target
#523 opened by soywiz - 1
Use cairo for vector rendering in linux at least and potentially in other Kotlin/Native targets
#443 opened by soywiz - 1
multithreaded renderer
#516 opened by soywiz - 0
- 1
wrong output of PBKDF2.pbkdf2WithHmacSHA512
#705 opened by benkuly - 5
AES should enforce minimal length of IV
#699 opened by benkuly - 0
Atlas with rotated textures
#622 opened by Stechmuck - 2
Provide all operations of Bezier.JS
#694 opened by soywiz - 1
Support stroke dashes
#695 opened by soywiz - 0
- 0
Stroke not rendered in RoundRect with Korge with the GPU vector renderer
#721 opened by v79 - 1
Make Stage transform to be the identity. Adjust projection matrix and mouse coordinates accordingly
#546 opened by soywiz - 2
[New feature] Integrate Fleks ECS into Korge or make Fleks mulitplatform to work with Korge
#433 opened by jobe-m - 1
RoundRect, Circle and other views extending ShapeView do not take into account colorMul, only fill
#703 opened by faweizz - 2
RoundRect color is white
#702 opened by faweizz - 3
- 2
Release new version of Korge
#634 opened by Kietyo - 3
Issues with sonatype/maven central releasing
#654 opened by soywiz - 1
AES NoPadding IllegalArgumentException
#689 opened by benkuly - 2
Bug where attempting to add a red circle to a container results in the whole screen turning red
#676 opened by Kietyo - 2
Debug menu looks messed up
#669 opened by Kietyo - 1
Please give advice on how to fix build error when attempting to publish to maven local
#666 opened by Kietyo - 0
Problem decoding GIF
#636 opened by soywiz-invideo - 3
- 6
support AES-CTR
#619 opened by benkuly - 3
support for SHA512
#617 opened by benkuly - 2
centerOn not working correctly when attempting to center UIText on a solid rect
#614 opened by Kietyo - 1
readSoundInfo() returns null on JS target
#584 opened by jfbilodeau - 1
Stack Overflow in JS with simple application
#486 opened by jfbilodeau - 2
uiButton textSize
#498 opened by FSaurenbach - 1
Having build issue
#572 opened by honorthrawn - 0
- 0
Disable Kotlin/Native when running in Linux Arm
#560 opened by soywiz - 1
Implement UISlider
#478 opened by soywiz - 6
Could not resolve com.soywiz.korlibs.korio:korio:2.6.2
#490 opened by Kietyo - 7
Make ImageAnimationView more "dynamic"
#405 opened by jobe-m - 4
Trilinear filtering
#461 opened by BioRyajenka - 0
Entry maps/$catalog.json is a duplicate but no duplicate handling strategy has been set.
#466 opened by jfbilodeau - 0
Circle defaults to BoxShape
#449 opened by jobhh - 1
Intellij plugin doesn't work properly on Mac M1
#419 opened by soywiz - 7
Text clipping from bottom
#437 opened by sahilbajaj - 1
Image decoding in android is blocking
#426 opened by soywiz - 1
SVG renderer issue
#435 opened by Kietyo - 0
- 0
Documentation: Document how (resources|rootLocal|application|local|etc)Vfs should be used
#432 opened by Kietyo - 0
Make intellij plugin opensource again
#418 opened by soywiz - 0
Make Android Indirect plugin to support apply new plugins, and other gradle stuff
#408 opened by soywiz - 2
Apple Silicon support
#406 opened by Jon889 - 2
- 2
Cannot load tiledmaps where Tilesets are not in the same folder as the Tiledmap (relative path issue)
#399 opened by v79