This project contains two sbt plugins that automatically configure your build to perform Load-time weaving (LTW) with Aspectj when running your application from within SBT, both for regular applications and Play Framework projects in development mode and ensure that your aspects will always be woven as expected.
SBT versions 0.13 and 1.0 are supported.
First and foremost, simplicity. Although adding the AspectJ Weaver agent is just about adding the -javaagent
to the JVM, doing so can be challenging when running from SBT. These plugins take care of the corner cases and ensure
that hitting run
will just work, regardless your project type or whether you are forking the JVM or not.
Add the sbt-aspectj-runner
plugin to your project/plugins.sbt
file using the code bellow:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("kamon-io", "sbt-plugins")
addSbtPlugin("io.kamon" % "sbt-aspectj-runner" % "1.1.0")
Just run
, like you do all the time!
Here is what the plugin will do depending on your fork
- fork in run := true: The forked process will run with the
and that's all. - fork in run := false: A custom classloader called WeavingURLClassLoader will be used. This classloader will perform the same load-time weaving duties done by the AspectJ Weaver agent.
For Play Framework 2.6 projects add the sbt-aspectj-runner-play-2.6
to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("kamon-io", "sbt-plugins")
addSbtPlugin("io.kamon" % "sbt-aspectj-runner-play-2.6" % "1.1.0")
For Play 2.4 and 2.5 you can use the older sbt-aspectj-play-runner
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("kamon-io", "sbt-plugins")
addSbtPlugin("io.kamon" % "sbt-aspectj-play-runner" % "1.0.4")
This plugin has been tested with Play 2.4.8, Play 2.5.10 and Play 2.6.11.
Just run
, like you do all the time! A notice will be shown saying that you are running your application with the
AspectJ Weaver.
The Play Framework SBT plugin will not allow the JVM to be forked so this plugin will override the way class loaders are created to use WeavingURLClassLoader instead, making sure that aspects will be woven when running on Development mode.
There are full runnable examples.