
Solution for Pitney Bowes's recruitment test

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Name: pb
Description: Solution for Pitney Bowes's recruitment test
GitHub: https://github.com/korniichuk/pb

Test task

Please, see Test-readme.md file.

Test solution

Step 1: Build an image from a Dockerfile

$ docker build -t korniichuk/pb .

Step 2: Use $ docker run command

$ export db=<DB>
$ export s3_bucket=<S3_BUCKET>
$ docker run -v ~/.aws:/home/pb/.aws -e db -e s3_bucket korniichuk/pb


$ export db=ruslan:passwd@demo.cluster-ro-c3rno4vis1ue.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/example_db
$ export s3_bucket=example_bucket
$ docker run -v ~/.aws:/home/pb/.aws -e db -e s3_bucket korniichuk/pb


  • ruslan -- database username,
  • passwd -- database password (Note: Quote special characters with \),
  • demo.cluster-ro-c3rno4vis1ue.eu-central-1.rds.amazonaws.com -- database host,
  • 5432 -- database port,
  • example_db -- database name,
  • example_bucket -- name of Amazon S3 bucket.

To share the host file system, credentials, and configuration to the container, mount the host system's ~/.aws directory to the container at /home/pb/.aws with the -v flag to the docker run command. For more information about the -v flag and mounting, see the Docker reference guide.

Step 3: Verify result in Amazon S3 bucket