
Sensorimotor learning for Sphero robot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sensorimotor learning with the Sphero robot

05/2014 - 2017, Oswald Berthold

Python code from the Closed-loop sphero behaviour paper 1.


This is built on top of the following stacks, make sure to have that installed (tested only on Ubuntu)

  • python-numpy, python-bluetooth, … Use apt-get / distro mechanism

  • ROS base install, use apt-get

  • sphero_ros driver from 2, install via $ROSDISTRO_workspace catkin_make. See the ROS wiki how to set up a catkin workspace.

  • get smp_msgs 3 and install it into your ROS workspace

  • get smp_base from https://github.com/x75/smp_base, then do

    export PYTHONPATH=../smp_base:$PYTHONPATH

This is the launch sequence for the sphero ROS node

python src/sphero_ros/sphero_node/nodes/sphero.py

`sphero.py` accepts arguments such as sensorimotor loop frequency and also a BT target address to connect directly to a given device, if you know it. The experiments are tuned to 20 Hz sampling rate so we need to do

python src/sphero_ros/sphero_node/nodes/sphero.py --freq 20


python src/sphero_ros/sphero_node/nodes/sphero.py --freq 20 --target_addr sp:he:ro:sa:dd:re


When roscore and sphero.py are up and running, you can run ROS clients like e.g. sphero_joystick.py

rosrun joy joy_node

A few of the utils/tests to check the basic communication is working

bluerssi.py Log BT rssi values
sphero\_colors.py Basic color actuation with ros
sphero\_joystick.py Control sphero via ros joy\_node
sphero\_raw.py Minimal test of raw communication protocol
sphero\_simple\_openloop.py Simple open-loop command test
sphero\_test.py Another minimal test


When that works, you could try the learning experiments, just to disentangle possible sources of errors.

hk2.py Homeostasis and homeokinesis from lpzrobots,
  Der & Martius, 201, Playful machines
python sphero_res_learner_1D.py --config default.cfg

You can copy the default.cfg and start editing it to play around with different targets and parameters.

Or try the homeokinesis example and play with self.*_gain parameters (in the code)

python hk2.py --mode hk --loop_time 0.05


1 Berthold and Hafner, 2015, Closed-loop acquisition of behaviour on the Sphero robot, https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/titles/content/ecal2015/ch084.html

2 https://github.com/x75/sphero_ros

3 https://github.com/x75/smp_msgs