
Asynchronous Onyphe API Client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Asynchronous API SDK and command line interface written in Python for Onyphe. This software is cross-platform and works on Linux, Mac and Windows.

Using asyncio enables the user to perform concurrent requests without the need of threading or subprocessing. Be careful not to trigger the rate limiting protection though.


Setup is almost the same for Linux, Darwin and Windows.

# assuming 'python' is python 3 executable
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install git+https://github.com/koromodako/aionyphe
# next line is for linux and darwin only
pip install uvloop


There is no automated testing for now. Manual testing was performed using Python 3.10.12 on Ubuntu 22.04. Assume all Python versions above 3.10 are supported.


There is no documentation for now but most of the code is documented.

Coding rules

Code is formatted using black and Pylint is used to ensure most of the code is PEP8 compliant and error free.

API Usage

Direct connection

from json import dumps
from asyncio import run
from getpass import getpass
from aionyphe import OnypheAPIClient, client_session

async def main():
    oql = 'category:synscan ip:'
    api_key = getpass("Enter Onyphe API key: ")
    async with client_session(api_key) as client:
        api_client = OnypheAPIClient(client=client)
        async for _, result in api_client.export(oql):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Proxy connection

from json import dumps
from asyncio import run
from getpass import getpass
from aionyphe import OnypheAPIClient, OnypheAPIClientProxy, client_session

async def main():
    oql = 'category:synscan ip:'
    api_key = getpass("Enter Onyphe API key: ")
    proxy = OnypheAPIClientProxy(
        scheme='http', host='squid.domain.tld', port=3128
    async with client_session(api_key) as client:
        api_client = OnypheAPIClient(client=client, proxy=proxy)
        async for _, result in api_client.export(oql):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Get a specific result page

from json import dumps
from asyncio import run
from getpass import getpass
from aionyphe import OnypheAPIClient, client_session

async def main():
    oql = 'category:datascan domain:google.com'
    api_key = getpass("Enter Onyphe API key: ")
    async with client_session(api_key) as client:
        api_client = OnypheAPIClient(client=client)
        async for _, result in api_client.search(oql, page=2):

if __name__ == '__main__':

A helper to iterate over pages

from json import dumps
from asyncio import run
from getpass import getpass
from aionyphe import OnypheAPIClient, client_session, iter_pages

async def main():
    oql = 'category:datascan domain:google.com'
    api_key = getpass("Enter Onyphe API key: ")
    async with client_session(api_key) as client:
        api_client = OnypheAPIClient(client=client)
        async for _, result in iter_pages(api_client.search, [oql], 2, 4):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Command Line Interface


This client does not support as much features as the original Onyphe client written in Perl but it does allow the user to pipe the output to another tool keeping the JSON-based pipe interface.

# get usage information
aionyphe -h
# get 'export' command usage
aionyphe export -h
# export data for given oql query
aionyphe export 'category:synscan ip:'
# get your public ip address
aionyphe myip
# get information about your user account
aionyphe user | jq
# show pages 2 to 4 for search query
aionyphe search --first 2 --last 4 'category:datascan domain:google.com'

Configuration File (optional)

aionyphe client can load configuration from a file depending on the operating system being used.

OS Configuration file
Linux /home/{username}/.aionyphe
Darwin /Users/{username}/.aionyphe
Windows C:\Users\{username}\.aionyphe

This configuration file shall contain a JSON object with optional key/value pairs taken from this table :

Key Value
scheme "http" or "https"
host Onyphe API hostname
port Port as an integer in range 0 -> 65535
version Onyphe API version
api_key Onyphe API key (warning: plaintext secret stored on disk!)
proxy_scheme "http" or "https"
proxy_host Proxy hostname
proxy_port Proxy port as an integer in range 0 -> 65535
proxy_username Proxy authentication username
proxy_password Proxy authentication password (warning: plaintext secret stored on disk!)
total Maximal number of seconds for each request made to the API
connect Maximal number of seconds for acquiring a connection from pool
sock_read Maximal number of seconds for reading a portion of data from a peer
sock_connect Maximal number of seconds for connecting to a peer for a new connection

Note: command line arguments override configuration file values.