- aigyptios
- amir-zeldesGeorgetown University
- angelodel80ilc-cnr
- Annotation-123
- ar-janThe Netherlands
- arne-clPotsdam
- buerkiCardiff University, Centre for Language and Communication Research
- caiobegottiCuritiba
- clemsciencesFrance
- dlukesAgnostix, s.r.o.
- eddy-geek
- efiLeipzig University
- gerxiu
- glenlivetShanghai, China
- HaleliHarelHebrew University of Jerusalem
- he-skTechnische Universität Berlin
- jimreganStockholm
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- kylepjohnson
- languagerecipes
- nilsreiterDepartment of Digital Humanities, University of Cologne
- PeiyuanQiSJTU ✈️ USC ✈️ ?
- petro-rudenko@Nvidia
- pixeldramaBerlin
- pratheekrebala@PublicI
- protonormalHTW Berlin
- puerdon
- sam-splat
- spadesa
- thomaskrauseHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- titsukiTokyo
- tkuhn
- vashnt707Personal
- wangjunbao
- zangsirBose
- ztl8702@zingzeu