
Transfer changes from Kort to OpenStreetMap

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Transfer changes from Kort to OpenStreetMap.


  • Copy setup.dist.cfg to setup.cfg and adapt the values
  • Copy logging.dist.yml to logging.yml and adapt the values
  • Run the following to install all needed dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

For development

  • install the pre-commit.sh script as a pre-commit hook in your local repositories: ** ln -s ../../pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit


$> python kort2osm.py --help

  kort2osm.py [-d] [-q] [-v] [-c COUNT]
  kort2osm.py -h | --help
  kort2osm.py --version

  -h, --help               Show this help message and exit.
  -d, --dry                Do not actually make changes, only a dry run
  -q, --quiet              Run quietly, without any output.
  -v, --verbose            Show more verbose output.
  -c COUNT, --count=COUNT  Count of fixes to run through from kort to OSM.
  --version                Show the version and exit.

Per default, the script runs only a single change from Kort to OSM. You can check this change by running a 'dry run' beforehand. The output is controlled via logging, the 'quiet' and 'verbose' settings each set different log levels. If neither of them is specified, the settings from the logging.yml is used.

More information

You can find more information about this project the OSM wiki and for changes made by kort-to-osm see the profile page of the corresponding OSM user.