Simple email tracker for Ruby on Rails applications. Emailbutler allows you to track sending params and delivery status of emails, resend them if required.
- 0
Collect list of emails marked as spam with count
#31 opened by kortirso - 7
Future integrations
#25 opened by huda-kh - 0
Mandrill integration
#26 opened by kortirso - 3
Email previews in UI
#29 opened by huda-kh - 0
Mailtrap integration
#27 opened by kortirso - 0
Postmark integration
#24 opened by kortirso - 0
Mailjet integration
#13 opened by kortirso - 1
- 0
Add removing all statistics from UI
#22 opened by kortirso - 4
Raising because we don't have a provider
#19 opened by zachfeldman - 0
Resend integration
#12 opened by kortirso - 0
- 0
Validate configuration during initialization
#14 opened by kortirso - 0
If an attachment is saved with non-utf8 parameters a JSON::GeneratorError is thrown
#9 opened by zachfeldman - 1
- 0
Configure skip_before_actions
#4 opened by kortirso - 0
CI integration
#6 opened by kortirso - 0
SMTP2Go webhooks integration
#3 opened by kortirso - 1