
Capstone Project for MLND

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree

Capstone Project : DeepTesla

This project is based on Course MIT 6.S094: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars and published on this Github

Problem Statement

The goal is to predict the steering wheel angel from Tesla dataset based on the video of the forward roadway.


python 3 + Keras 2.0.1 + Tensorflow 1.0.1 + Jupyter Notebook + cv2

These models are trained by GPU Intensive workloads with 61G memory and 12G GPU memory on floydhub.com.

The final modle is trained ~10 minutes.

Datasets and Inputs

Databases with real-traffic video data captured and extracted 10 video clips of highway driving from Tesla:

  • The wheel value was extracted from the in-vehicle CAN

  • A window from each video frame is cropped/extracted and provide a CSV linking the window to a wheel value.

A snapshot of video frame:

The CSV data format:

ts_micro frame_index wheel
1464305394391807 0 -0.5
1464305394425141 1 -0.5
1464305394458474 2 -0.5

in which, ts_micro is time stamp,frame_index denotes frame number,wheel is steering wheel angle(Based on horizontal, + is clockwise, - is anticlockwise)

The generated vedio looks like: