
Rules, policies and microservices for the bidirectional conversion between iRODS AVUs and JSON(-LD)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bidirectional conversion between JSON(-LD) and iRODS AVUs


This is a companion repository to the irods_avu_json Python module. Please read the README of that repository for an introduction on the goal of these repositories.

This repository contains the iRODS rules, policies and microservices to make the conversion code operational in iRODS.


A description of a docker contain running this ruleset, its microservices and python dependencies exists in the irods_avu_json-docker repository. You can use this to quickly try out this ruleset.


The following are required to run.

  • iRODS > 4.2.x (For Python rule engine)
  • The iRODS Python rule engine
  • Python dependencies (see requirements.txt)



iRODS 4.2.x is missing the microservices to modify the unit field of an AVU triple. Please vote for this iRODS issue to get this fixed.

To get around this, a set of custom iRODS microservices have to be installed. These have been included in this repository.

Build requirements:

  • irods-dev
  • irods-externals-clang-runtime3.8-0
  • irods-externals-clang3.8-0
  • cmake

Build instructions:

mkdir build 
cd build
cmake ../

Install instructions

make install

Rules and Policies

First make sure that the Python package irods_avu_json and other requirements have been installed globally in order for the iRODS Python rule engine to pick it up.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, copy the rule file rules/core.py to /etc/irods/core.py.



setJsonToObj(*object, *objectType, *jsonRoot, *json)

getJsonFromObj(*object, *objectType, *jsonRoot)

setJsonSchemaToObj(*object, *objectType, *jsonSchema, *jsonRoot)

getJsonSchemaFromObj(*object, *objectType, *jsonRoot)


Whenever an iRODS object (file, collection, resource, user) has an AVU called $id set, the value of the AVU determines the JSON-schema controlling the object and the unit field determines the JSON-root used by the JSON-AVU conversion.

The policies then implements:

  • Direct modification of AVU under control of the JSON-schema set by $id AVU is not allowed.
  • Modification of those AVUs is only allowed using setJsonToObj()

Modifications of other AVUs on an iRODS object are not affected by the policies.


Each microservice and rule function comes with a little test rule file that can be executed with irule.

A more complete test script of the policies is available in tests/pep_tests.sh.


Paul van Schayck (p.vanschayck@maastrichtuniversity.nl), Ton Smeele, Daniel Theunissen and Lazlo Westerhof

(c) Maastricht University

Apache License 2.0