
Google Chrome extension to insert some stock visualization on Twitter

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Twitter can tell us what's happening, but it is not great for finding business information.

With this extension, you will be able to see live stock information right in your Twitter feed providing context for the current discussion.

Now, when you search Twitter for cashtags like '$TWTR', the stock chart will be displayed so you can really know what is happening.


#StockView is packaged as a chrome extension. You can download it here https://github.com/korymath/StockView/raw/master/app.crx.

To install, you should just drag 'n' drop the .crx file into Chrome. In Chrome, open Extensions tab (chrome://extensions), drag 'n' drop the .crx file and you are good to go.

Amusingly "for regular Windows users who are not skilled with computers, it is practically not possible to install and use extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store." -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24577024/install-chrome-extension-not-in-the-store


Try searching for a single ($TWTR) or multiple ($TWTR $MSFT $FB) cashtags, using the syntax $SYMBOL.

Development Screenshots


Company is suggested, perhaps an account is shown and several recent tweets populate the timeline below.


Rough chart inserted nicely.


Beautiful chart comes in.


Multiple stock tickers.


#StockView uses Highstocks for visualization, and the data comes from the Yahoo Stock API.