
Simple password store for shell scripts and command line

Primary LanguageShell

How to Use

From bash, source the passstore.sh file.

git clone https://github.com/kosalaat/pass_store.git
cd pass_store
. ./passstore.sh

Once this is sourced, you can use the two functions ps_encrypt and ps_decrypt.

Encrypting a password

ps_encrypt "my awesome password"

To decrypt

ps_decrypt "kqwfd7Pryamn99/FcPfL8oYaqrLwdMMRTZCSauqMgsw="

In a script

. /path/to/pass_store/passstore.sh

mypass=$(ps_decrypt kqwfd7Pryamn99/FcPfL8oYaqrLwdMMRTZCSauqMgsw=)

Under the hood

When the passstore.sh script is sourced for the first time, creates the random key which will be used to encrypt with. You can find these files under ~/vault/keystore/aeskey.key.