
Primary LanguagePython

Anak Bot

VK-to-Telegram notifier bot.

Getting Started

You can use this bot with any VK group you want, but now group ID hardcoded in config.ini file


You can use your own config with this project.

Config.ini example

tgToken: your telegram token
telegramnChannel: Name of TG channel for notify
vkToken: service token VK API
group: VK group ID for subscribing
connectionString: sqlite:///file.db # path to sqlite3 database file

Also you need to install dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Create bot with telegram @BotFather, copy telegram token of your bot to config.ini

  • Fill other configs.

  • Just run

python3 Main.py
  • For subscribe TG group to VK group (whic ID you enter in config.ini) call