
Tutorial code for slurm and rslurm. Written for First-year Graduate Seminar, Department of Statistics, Seoul National University.

Primary LanguageR


Tutorial code for slurm and rslurm. Written for First-year Graduate Seminar (Dept. of Statistics, SNU).

Illustrates how to use slurm (mostly on R).

0. Local Example

  • 0_sampler.R contains the code for Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Functions here are used throughout our R examples.
    • NOTE: exponential distribution here is parametrized so that E(X) = \theta for X ~ exp(\theta).
  • 0_local.R contains the code to take 10,000 samples from each of theta in 1:200. It takes around 20 seconds on single core using lapply().

1. Parallelization using mclapply()

  • 1_mclapply.R parallelizes the previous job using the package parallel. The code uses four cores. This is for single-node only.
  • 1_job_script.sh contains the script to be submitted to slurm: specifically configured to use four cores.
    • Enter sbatch 1_job_script.sh to the terminal to submit.
    • Enter squeue to the terminal to check job status.

2. Using rslurm

  • 2_rslurm.R parallelizes the previous job using the package rslurm. The package automatically submits the workload to the job scheduler. Configured to run 4 jobs, each job utilizing 8 cores. The jobs may run on several different nodes, depending on availability.

3. GPU example.

  • 3_tensorflow_gpu.py: a tensorflow tutorial code for MNIST data for classification of handwritten digits.
  • 3_tensorflow_gpu.sh: job script for 3_tensorflow_gpu.py. Illustrates how to configure the jobs in order to utilize GPUs.